Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Visit With My Son & Acting Out Of Abuse

My son seemed to be in better condition today. The last couple of days were okay for him, and he mentioned how "my eyes got hurt mommy" but they were better today and he was looking a little bit better and happier. However, he is still showing signs of trauma from things that are happening to him. What's interesting, is how people in this town are covering it up and pretending it's not happening, including state workers, and while I'm the sane one, I'm the one being accused of being mentally ill. There is nothing wrong with me except for stress for being intimidated, seeing my son abused, and not being able to get work or housing in this town which has been an effort to prevent me from having said "stability".

I still have to fill in details of the last visit with my son. And this one as well. However, while last week I documented the cuts on my son's fingers, which are still apparent, this time, even after all the brainwashing, my son began to act out evidence of abuse, that he did not get these cuts from "cornstalks" or "a tree" but because someone has been abusing my son or my family has been intimidated into allowing it.

I have never, not once, ever said anything to my son about how it looked like someone had cut his fingers and neither has the monitor. However, today my son picked up a spoon and with the handle, he first grabbed my hand and made me extend my fingers and then he made very serious and harsh slashing motions across my fingers. He continued to do this for at least 5 minutes or more. He slashed, slashed, slashed across my fingers as if the handle of the spoon was a knife.

He wouldn't have gotten this idea unless he was acting out what had happened to him. After he did this, he fell to the ground in a temper tantrum and began regressing to baby type of behavior.

My son has appeared with slashes on his fingers, the last of which are discrete and defined and not from one long stroke of a cut by a cornstalk. Each slash is discrete and defined and they've not healed. He may have scarring from it.

He already has a scar on his right index finger from a burn which appeared in time for one of the visits. He has a scar on the right side of his face from a cigarette burn which showed up right after I had a dream my son was burned. It's on the right side of his face. I didn't bring it up because the state workers here, and the police here, at least the ones I've gone to, do nothing about it and they mock me saying with a smirk: "have you had your psychological eval yet?"

My son's slice to the right side of his face I was able to document, but since Judge Hotchkiss banned me from photographing, I have been unable to document objectively, the abuse occuring to my son. I am not only banned from audio taping, which would show my visits with my son are good and appropriate, but I am banned from photographing evidence of abuse to a 3 year old little boy.

This is not just morally wrong, at this point, this is criminal. It is a crime to abuse children, and it is also a crime to conceal abuse of a child. In addition to being criminal, and the fact that intimidation and obstruction are crimes, it is morally reprehensible. It is a grievious sin in the eyes of God.

The people who are supposed to protect children are doing nothing.

Those who know this is happening and who look the other way while a child is tormented, when he just wants to be with his mother, are complicit in the crime. son's slice off of his cheek, was just "a scratch" according to Michelle Erickson and my aunt. Then I brought out and published the photos. Showing everyone what a "scratch" it was.

Now, my son has had various other things happen to him and I am helpless.

The state workers see this happening to my son and don't do one thing.

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