Monday, January 18, 2010

Adventures In Yellowstone Park T.V.

Oh! how sad, I'm watching this nature thing about yaks? and calves..oh, bison. I guess it's filmed in Yellowstone. But the calves were crossing a river with their mom and got stuck and then was freed, but it was so sweet because the bison mother was really worried and trying to encourage her baby with noises. And then the calf made it but was too tired to walk. Okay, now a bear chasing bison. Well that's interesting. I have always wondered, what do these documentarians do if, now a's a whole zoo out there in the plains. Yes, I know I sound a little nutty now, don't know why I'm writing about this, but it's ummm, cute. Yes, I recommend this nature film. But I was wondering, what they do, if that calf was about to drown do they just let nature have it's way or try to help? This is really weird. Coyotes, bears, and bison altogether. Oh no...This bear mauled the baby cub even though the mother tried to save it. Terrible. I found myself yelling, "OH NO!" and not even thinking about it, out loud. Now it's talking about when it's brave to fight or to flee. And the purpose of mother animals, to distract attention, and this mother deer is trying to distract the wolves and then invites the wolves to chase her, using the river as a "safe retreat"...

Hmm, this is a good show. Good lessons. "She can play this game with 2 wolves, she would never attempt this with an entire wolf pack". "Frustrated" says the announcer, the 2 wolves give up. The calf owes its life to the tactics and the courage of its mother. The announcer says, "Motherhood, is a test of character, even for bears."

This whole show is about mother animals and their babies. The mother is defending her cub against wolves now. The mother bear. The wolves make a decision to leave.

It says if the cub survives to be a big bear, the tables will turn. Okay, well, this is channel KSPS. Whatever that is. Channel 9. I am actually enjoying this. Now it's lighter, and they are showing cubs playing. So cute. Thank goodness because I needed a break--I was on edge. "The mother is always there to supervise" (as should be). So, for 2 1/2 years they are with their mother FT and then they can manage to be on their own. Now it's onto wolf pups.

Why do I feel like I need a drink? Where's mah whiskey! glass of wine, g&t, whatever. This is as good as a suspect movie.

I'm into animal stuff again lately. I was walking the dog with her ahead of me the other day, and she was leading and I thought, "I'm in 'Where the Red Fern Grows".

So there are all these geese and beautiful wildflowers and birds, and everything. So pretty.

Really cute wrestling romance scene with the Grizzles, ...this is so weird...They don't stay together, but you should see them, they're so cuddly with eachother. Really sweet, and affectionate just like humans. Now the bisons are fighting over women I guess. I think I'd rather be a Gizzly than a bison at mating season. Oh, sd, this one bison suffered a head injury and is going around and really confused. I said "NOOooo!" out loud again and couldn't help it. It was bc this bison almost went under but then he pulled out of it and made it.

Play by play in Yellowstone. Just don't ask me to do sports--play by play that is. I think I need to separate my nature t.v. post from the Haiti post. Ummm...yeaaah.

I don't think I'd want to be a male Grizzly fighting either. They're fighting over a carcass and there are crows all over. Showing his back is a sign of "supreme confidence" says the announcer. The winner walks away, showing his back.

Wait a minute, wait a minute...Where is this again? Oh yeah, Yellowstone. Okay, yeah, Yellowstone.

Ooooh...Why couldn't God have made all animals herbivores. Now a bunchof wolves got a deer, but it's a different kind of deer...So eagles come in and get the leftovers. Oh, they were elk. Not deer, elk.

Okay, not blogging about the next part. But anyway, the packs visit and one wolf might hook up with a bunch of females, but chooses a partner for life and it requires the consent of the pack.

I have this question now, along the lines of "does art imitate life or does life imitate art?" Do humans imitate animals or do animals imitate humans?

Wow. There's this really brave bear that goes out onto the ice, knowing he might break through, just to get a carcas to feed his family and then the other animals get to scavenge. Thanks to the bear, even the coyotes get bones and the birds get food too. It was scary, because the bear was trotting along and slipped on the ice and then righted and continued on and then broke through but got the carcass and then was able to get out.

Oh, okay now one cub gets to learn what greens are good to eat and the other one goes with the other mother for hunting elk. It's like jacob and esau. I cannot believe how fast these bear can run. As fast as an elk? But these bears are so bulky and when they get going...

So "wolves must hunt to survive" but a Grizzlies life is full of choice. Now they're fishing and eating mushrooms, dandilions, bitterroot and ...the bear needs "all of Yellowstone". Wow. There are even otters right there at Yellowstone. And the otters fight back! Against preying wolves...and Wow. Look at those bear nails. I want to cut them. They're so long. I wonder if they file them on rocks.

My son would love to see this show but I would edit out all the killing scenes. Oh wow, black bears crwl all the way to the top of the trees, and they're so huge too.

It says "The mighty bear may be dominant over all the creatures but she is also dependent". The wolves and the bears get together. The wolves go after the elk. The poor elk.

Wow. Interesting. A wolf pack of 14 will kill an elk but they all step aside if one bear comes along. Just one. And then they bide their time until he's done and they eat the rest.

This one big bear is up at Christmas. 4 weeks late for hibernation and he's "breaking all the rules". "Is this the start of something new?" says the announcer.

I think they could make a series out of this. Like a soap

Oh no! It's over! that was the end for tonight. It was called "Nature". Anyway, at the end, the bear is lolling around and decides to let the surprised wolves do the hunting for him and they don't know what to do.

"Clash: Encounters of Bears and Wolves" was the name of the episode.
I think it was a fair presentation of all the animals. I don't know what ..Oh hey, there went a ship called the "Alastair" and it's for an ad for this channel.

I guess it was PBS channel 13 but on my tv I think it was channel 9.

I'm so glad I saw this. I never watch t.v. and I think I was meant to see this show. The other things too. It's been quite the night for t.v. or maybe it's just bc I don't hardly watch.

Now it's...oh, goodness...I think I'm hooked. "Love makes people equal.." she says, "But what does a spinster know about love?" says the narrator. It's Masterpiece Theatre. With Judi Dench! It's during the time of Victoria and about a village of women, where "love" is breaking all the rules and the town apart. What is this called? Oh, "Return to Cranford". From the novels of Elizabeth Gaskee? Or? i missed it. Will have to look it up.
It was so good. I haven't seen a Masterpiece Theatre Classic forever. What a great story. I was reminded by seeing this film that several nights ago I had another part of a dream where a man's (can't say name) hair was exactly curly like this in the back and no one knew he had curly hair, like this character does in this story, the William. But it was only in the back and you couldn't tell face forward and it was discovered later when he grew it out or something. But that was just a strange part of a dream I had which I thought might be insignificant and then I was reminded by this movie bc it was the same.

I love Judi Dench and this whole story, could I ever relate to the ideas. Next time it's Emma. I love all these old stories. I've never heard of Cranshaw before. I haven't seen or read Emma for a long time. I guess I should watch more t.v. now and then, for the better programs nad news at least.


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