Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Baby Screaming (not to publish)

their baby just keeps screaming and screaming and crying. It doesn't seem happy very much. I tried to offer some tips on colic and they didn't want them. the landlord even freaks out about it.

I went outside to let them know their baby was crying and both the mother and father were outside, and neither was upset at all, they were joking around and doing more moving around of cars and color stuff.

This landlord has asked me if I thought the baby was healthy before or taken care of and I have my own doubts, but I feel bad for the father, as nuts as he seems to be, because he said she's the only reason he's living. So, you know, I feel bad for him.

But what I cannot understand, is how this sweet little baby that is not well taken care of, is still with the parents and mine is not. It just looks like gang stuff. I mean, the only reason I think he HAS his kid, is not because they're good parents, but because they go along with someone that gives them orders.

Baby just screams and cries and doesn't get fed often enough and is left in the bassinet for long periods of time.

Was crying so much when she came back from grandparents, that she had dried out and cracked spaces under her eyes, sort of shiny, like she hadn't been getting enough to eat and was dehydrated, or had been crying a lot.

So anyway, they called some guy, about moving his red and white striped truck out of the parking area. This town is all about using the color of cars to signify stuff.

It is SO WEIRD. I'm sorry, but WHY EVEN SPEND TIME on things like this? No wonder the economy is suffering.

He yells and screams and goes on and his daughter is totally disturbed by this, and they don't even care. He came in to shout at me again and say "this is why he has his kid and I don't" and on and on.

He just threatened me again, telling me he was going to physically harm me and throw me down to the ground. So I showed him my recording thing and said anything he had to say to me he was also saying to the recorder. He stopped and then said nothing was there but he saw enough of it and I held onto it so he couldn't take it from me.

He has already, tonight, announced to me that he can have me evicted, if I don't "please him" or if I bother him. He ALSO made a threat about my going into his room when I have NEVER, not once, gone in uninvited. I have been in their room ONE time, and with his girlfriend there. Maybe he is wondering how I intuit there is a point system, I mean maybe they had something written down, I don't know. I just know that they have some serious issues.

Again though, I feel bad for him. As horrible as he's being, I feel sorry for him. I don't know what his deal is, but even if he has his daughter, he cannot get work and it's probably, well, I'm wondering if it's bc of his anger issues. He might not be able to get work because of that.

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