Monday, January 11, 2010

Bad Vibe & My Son

I have a bad feeling about what is going on with my son. I've had it for a little while and after so many shitty things happening today, I am concerned about my son and that my son's welfare is being sacrified for the pompous lives of grown men.

That they are some who are more concerned with protecting themselves from God knows what, and covering their own you-know-whats. I feel there are others who have gone beyond the call of duty to try to protect my son.

I just think there is something very important for me to discover which no one has told me about yet.

It could possibly be someone else and I'm just so happening to be thinking about my son. I don't know. But not a good vibe right now, but sort of sadness and heaviness.

If it's not my son, which I strongly wonder about, it might be my twin soul as I've heard expressed before, or something going on in the world. I should look and see. But it just got worse and worse and I was fully absorbed in the faberge egg stuff. Something got to me when I got to the Nobel egg.

For some reason, I thought about the outnumbered and good. "Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord."

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