Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bainbridge Island & Seattle Problems With Internationals

Here's to marking my post for what happened in bainbridge island and seattle with locals and international people. I'm not posting everything, but just more than I have in the past.

Where I had been staying, before I went to Vancouver for the "psych eval", I had someone stealing my clothing and going through and erasing documentation of my visits with my son, and also had memory cards stolen which had legal documentation of visits on them. I had felt sorry for them when some of the tires went flat and cars wouldn't start and I later realized, someone must have known what was going on and was trying to do me a favor. Not great, I know, but still, some group was trying to look out for me.

Then, I started having problems at that house with use of military stuff and finding out my computer was networked to other computers in the town, and a whole lot of other things.

I got death threats and it was during this time, which was pretty much after I was out of the house I shared with my ex-fiance, that things began to snowball.

I had tons of international people, I mean, more than usual, coming up to me to try to dissuade me from marrying my fiance. I wondered what was behind it because it seemed there was some other reason these people didn't want me to marry him. Why? Especially when, after he left, they obviously didn't feel the need to come around anymore, to tell me not to get married. I never saw any of those same people again.

Before Seattle, I had the trip to California, to San Francisco, where I was followed around with people with wide lens cameras. Why? I had many international people passing me then as well, and one woman, young woman looked exactly like someone, well, she was there with her girlfriends and having a very close look at me while I sat around an outdoor restaurant firepit with a "Mai Thai." She was blond. Out of all the people passing by I remember her most because her friends had English accents and they wanted to get up close to have a look at me.

Then there was some other English couple that sat at a picnic table across from us and the man seemed to be listening in sometimes.

At least three different individuals had large cameras and were photographing me while I sat there in the beach chairs. Meanwhile, this guy I'd agreed to just meet, and nothing more, he tells me he does "special ops" for the U.S. government. When I first met him and heard him talk like this, I thought he was some kind of actor-bum someone hired off the streets to pull a stunt. I was nice anyway. But then, no, he pulls his ID out to show the other people we'd "randomly" met (supposedly) and was going on and on about his work in intelligence and bombing. I think about it now and believe the whole group knew eachother before and just wanted me to think we were all just meeting. The other couple said there were from New Jersy, or the one guy said he was and then she was from that area. At one point, the guy I had gone out to meet said I had to get into the film industry and wanted me to talk to "Andrew" some guy. No accent. American guy. I got on the phone and the guy sounded amused and then I realized it was some kind of weird prank. The whole thing was like a weird sick set up.

My plane trip over, all these other people who were English and one from Columbia and then a few other internationals, passed around a pitcher of beer. Since when is beer served to everyone? It was like this weird "bon voyage" toast.

So I was sitting out there, at the Fisherman's Wharf, and some people just passing by like normal, and others staring, staring, taking photos, if not from big lens cameras just from cell phones. I wasn't looking spectacular, so I was sure it wasn't about the way I looked.

Then there was some kind of music war, with one guy wanting the restaurant to turn up the house music to drown out the live band playing nearby, which was singing James Taylor songs.

The guy got weird and said I was flirting with HIS friend on the phone (whom he had told me to speak with) and I said whatever. So we parted ways and then this Jewish guy wanted to hang out with me and get ready to go somewhere and said I would have to get this or that and then we'd go. What was so weird, was that as we were walking through that strangely painted hallway, which I had described from a dream to someone a few years before, HE pointed it out and aske ME if it looked "familiar". ?! He kept commenting on the design and colors and that's when I suddenly realized, "Oh my G..." it was the exact same thing from my dream. I knew it and how did he know it? The only person I'd ever told was C.S. and I remember back then, she had been very interested in this.

So we went to my room, and I turned the t.v. on as I was getting my bag or whatever I was getting and he acted like he wanted to kiss me and I said no, I didn't know him and wasn't interested. He checked out my bathroom and then that was it and I remember I turned the t.v. on and it was The History Channel's "The Holy Grail". I thought everything was strange, since I was still trying to figure out how this stranger to me, this guy who just approached out of nowhere, KNEW something about me. He made other comments as well, which was strange but I played it off and said nothing. I acted like I had no clue. He was a tour guide there and yet he said he was from New York, a good part of NYC. I believe it was a nice part of Manhatten. We had something to eat and parted ways. I never forgot how he kept nudging about the wall decor. He said more than once, something about how it should spark my memory.

So then I was just stuck there. I didn't have fun in San Franscisco at all. When I first drove in I was chased around by a bunch of younger adults, 19-30 years old or so, mainly with dark brown hair, men and women, for some reason. I saw one car with british plates and actually that woman looked worried. I got lost trying to get to the hotel and then everything was just weird. I was followed at every single turn and mocked. It was horrible. Then the guy comes over and acts like a weirdo, talking about his "intel" work and then all the people watching me outside. I didn't want to go out the next day but I did, to kill time and take advantage of being in S.F. The problem was, I was still being followed and it wasn't much fun. I was by myself and had been mocked and felt like I was a laughingstock to be brought down.

All this was after my former housemate went nutso and locked me out of the house, and claimed that I had held up knives and lied about a lot of things. The brazilian woman, or one who goes to brazil rather, who went after my ex. After Alvaro left, she put out this "Alien" movie, which became a recurrent theme. I could go into a lot more detail on that.

(Will finish this later tonight)

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