Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Been Up & My Lawyer Going Along With Child Abuse

I've been up for a few times tonight, just woken up at different times and I know it's partly because of my son, whom I visit today, and partly because of needing to write out more details.

It has been 3 months almost and my lawyer hasn't filed one single motion. I also only took him on, on the condition I could use the fax and phone because he only agreed to help me on the side, with MY being "pro se" first, and I told him in that case I would need use of fax and phone and that would help. His law firm told me yes, and had weird messages in their office the first day I was there, symbols of "3" everywhere, and then they blocked me from using the resources I needed entirely. And have not done even ONE thing for my case. They also told me they were NOT going to help but that they refused to withdraw and if I wanted a lawyer that was different, I had to ask the judge--and they already know the Judge has accused me of withdrawing from lawyers. I have plenty of email documentation about how many times I tried to get ahold of my lawyer, and also, I told my lawyer my son was being abused, and with this knowledge and my reports, he did absolutely nothing.

I asked my lawyer to come to a visit and see for himself how things were going and he's done nothing. I also asked my lawyer to please immediately file a motion for audio recording and the ability to photograph if needed, to document what shape my son was in, and the content of our visits, and I specifically told him what kinds of marks my son showed up with, and my lawyer refused. He claimed he needed "more information" but he didn't. He didn't anymore information for making an argument for this to be allowed and he knew it and told me when he signed on, that he would do this. He also told me he was doing research on making a motion for an independent psych eval and nothing has been done. He told me this, only after he got the idea my parents might pay for one themselves and then he suddenly wanted to go with someone from the state again, instead of someone who was truly independant.

He didn't even look glad about the idea that my mother or father had made a statement of support for me to have my son back and returned to me. If he was on my side, he should be glad, but he wasn't. I gave him permission to fax the results of my psych eval to my parents and he didn't even respond, to me or to my parents. I told him, in a visit, I remember going on about how I didn't like Norman Rockwell art and how it came up I can't remember, and I get a Rockwell calendar with this theme when I moved in to this place.

There is one woman whose kids work at the Department of Defense in Washington D.C., at those law offices, and she heard the whole thing: she heard the lawyer tell me I couldn't use any resources to defend myself in this case or help my son, and that they refused to help me and when I said, "Then, ethically, you need to withdraw for prejudice", he told me, "I'M not going to, and WE'RE not going to--you will have to do it yourself." The woman whose kids are in D.C. was sitting right there and she's been the most normal, and she overheard everything--her office was inches away and he was shouting.

It's a civil matter when one doesn't get along with the lawyer, or they refuse to help. But when one has reported abuse of a child and obstruction of justice, and ones own attorneys are going along with this, it's something else.

Also, they cut off my office privileges about the time I blogged I might need to find help from outside of the area. So all of a sudden, no phone or fax allowed, and these guys knew I only agreed to go with them if I had reasonable access to legal resources and materials.

They completely blocked me from advocating for my son at all, and haven't done one good thing for my son, and have ignored my reports about what's happening and gone along to aid and abett crime against a child and intimidation of me. And they are a part of the problem and I never should have trusted them, not from the first day after seeing how many lawyer tried to screw me over in that first hearing and then was joking around with the AG about it afterwards. He's done favors for the state and that's it. He didn't even want me to go ahead and get an MRI or any of the head scan stuff done. He was just going to sit back and not file a thing and let the clock tick away so I couldn't get my son back, no matter what.

And everything I told him in confidence in his office, got out to the state and the AG and the AG was altering their tactics to fit accordingly the very next day.

So this lawyer, is the first one at least, that I've written email to, about harm and marks on my son and the inability to document these things, and he's done nothing. Not one thing and instead his firm has tried to block me from having a defense, but they want to make it appear as though I do.

Everyone thinks I should have things covered because I have a lawyer, but this lawyer has never done one single thing for this case, except for allowing more favors to go to the state in the first hearing. Since then, he's done absolutely nothing and looks worried if it sounds like I have information that helps my case.

That firm also promised me I would have reasonable access to resources I could not afford, which was the point of having reprsentation and they said some of it I'd have to do myself but that was with the condition that I had access to the office resources, and then they cancelled everything. They also didn't want me to make any long distance calls to the East Coast unless it was approved but had no problem with long distance anywhere else. I was basically baited to take a lawyer, and then have been screwed over ever since and this is a prime example of Section 1983. I am pretty sure I could line things up to prove the motive is to do favors for the state and block my having a defense or objective evidence.

The criminal part, is that they all know there is nothing wrong with me mentally and talked to me at length and even said they knew this, and they know I've talked about what I need to get done for my case to protect my son and our rights and they haven't done one single thing.

This is the same office that had the magazine displayed in the open, in their office: "Just you and the twins" after I'd blogged about how my father told me I wasn't alone. I blogged about computer nerds and this office had nerds candy in the bowl the first time I was there and then there were nerds candies dropped along the floor in the room for the next visit with my son, same color that was in their office. They were spread out on a table and on the floor and my son picked some up and was about to eat it and I told him not to because it might be dirty.

My lawyer's name? Justin Titus. The firm's name is Kottkamp and Yedinak. They've done nothing to help my son, and that woman whose kids work for the DOD, or Department of Defense, overheard the whole admission about how I wouldn't be permitted access to legal resources at all, and that they were not going to help me at all (they never were helping me except for the short time I had a measly 2 hours a week or so to use phone and fax, which wasn't what they originally told me. They originally said I'd have liberty at using the room and that boardroom i hardly ever in use and they know I needed it to prepare and organize my own materials. Anyway, she heard everything, but it doesn't make a difference because no one sticks up for what is right here, no one that I've met yet.

The last time my lawyer contacted me was right after I blogged about going to FBI offices, and suddenly he remembered to respond.

He said, oh, that he could work on my case now. Well, that was about 3 weeks ago and I've sent how many emails, asking to set up a date to meet? Not one response. It's like he put out a feeler and when he decided he wasn't going to be in trouble, withdrew into his protective shell again, feeling confident no one was checking up on his ass.

I do not think I'm too demanding. I am entitled by law, to a reasonable defense or means to defend myself and he's done nothing. I can't even get him, after 3 weeks time, to set an appointment. He, or his firm, got nervous and scared at the first wind I might have talked to someone with FBI or out of the area, and then after they felt it out a little bit, or did some intel or got some intel on it, they went back to doing nothing.

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