Saturday, January 9, 2010


LOL. hahaha...laughing break. This song came on, "Whippin' On Me" and I pictured the cartoon with the guy who opts out of being a grim reaper for making "light frothy desserts" and he's carrying this whipper or wisk or whatever. I made note of a cartoon I saw the other day which had me laughing too, and it was in The Wenatchee World. I wrote it down and I'll cut this out and post it somewhere else in a minute.

It was Oliphant and it was of this big disgruntled older woman with a few hairs on her head, a stern black dress, and carrying a hard-case purse and a cane or umbrella and a line of men all fallen down to the left and right and this is in an airport near a screening machine and the guy says, one to the other, "We made the mistake of telling her we needed to check to see if she was wearing explosive underpants."

Something like that. It was from The Wenatchee World, opinion page on Jan. 4 or 5. Very funny. I pictured the rancor of any older woman being told they need to check her underwear for explosives.

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