Monday, January 11, 2010

China's Shortage Of Brides

That's a given. I have made this observation and comment for years now. Now there's an article on CNN though I'm sure there have been others too. China needs women. That's why I'm very logical about the odds of finding true love. Not everyonoe who wants it will get it, and so much depends on location, location, location. Oh, and gender ratios.

We should figure out which country has more women than men, and a real man shortage and start doing some good old fashioned matchmaking.

I found, at quick glance, New Zealand and Russia have a man shortage with too many women.

So instead of women resorting to feeding their families through other means they'd rather not resort to, and instead of men getting their aggressions out in ways no one would like, why not get these people together?


  1. I KNEW this would happen!! It's been a long standing tradition to drown baby girls in rivers in order to "try again" for a boy, as China only allows for one child per family due to their overpopulation. A family can have more than one child but is SEVERLY taxed and persecuted, most families only have one child, with the hopes it is a boy to support them as per their cultural tradition. It has been SO bad, throughout the country signs were placed around various waterways stating it was forbidden to drown baby girls in many families resorted to mudbanks. Disgusting. Maybe now they will reconsider family planning in order secure their homogenous society.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    I didn't know about the floodbanks at all. That's horrible.

    I'm sorry to hear about it.

    It's sad this happens to girls and sad in general, but in their culture too, it's boys that take care of the elderly parents so it's hard for the parents to imagine this happening and they keep the boy.

    Huge woman shortage. In Russia, there is a man shortage and some women have resorted to other "means" of supporting themselves or families and I know Russia has been trying to protect them, but many have been sold into human trafficking.

    Here in the U.S. I don't know...there are enough men per woman but as the saying goes, "I still haven't found what I'm looking for." I'm looking for a strong man who will fight for me and my son and who is willing to try to fix the kind of system we're dealing with now.

    Out of all these men I've dated who have all this money, um, none of them ever stepped forward. I'm actually surprised my old bf from high school doesn't care more about my son, or a child being harmed and tortured, but I called his parents house and it was like I got his mother and she thought she was rubbing it in that he got married but I didn't care. I already knew and was happy for him. Then it was like "TAKE CARE CAMEO. TAKE CARE. TAKE CARE." i don't know how many times she said take care and it just made me think, I don't know, that it's really sad what this country or the NW has come to.

    Where everything is about sides.
