Friday, January 22, 2010

Computer Overworking & Images

I don't know. My computer is overworking again.

And what happened to the Windsor family programs that were going to be on PBS? It's like they were all cancelled.

And everything is yellow since someone came downstairs and the bureau is turned over looking like a coffin again.

Anybody want to clue me in?

Anyway, I guess I'll try to pray more and see if I come up with anything at all. I know some of it must not be right, but a few things are I think.

I wish I knew who, if anyone, loved me. Man, I mean. I'm going to be connecting with some old friends soon but I would like to find the one who loves me because hey, I'm not looking, and no one is looking so it's supposed to happen when I least expect it. Or it has happened but he's not expressing this to me as he should and as I would like to know.

This song just came to mind, before I could pray, by Sixpence None The Richer:

"Trust in the Lord/with all your heart/lean not on your own understanding/in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your path straight/don't worry about tomorrow/he's got it under control/so trust in the Lord with all your heart and he will carry you through."

I then clicked on "Fix You" by Coldplay.
Skipped headlines for royal stuff, yesterday and day before but tonight looked and Tarantino is actually doing a film about a foul mouthed monarch. I thought, "Granny?" Elizabeth on a horse leaning over with a crop, muttering, "Back off FUCKERS!" of course in this scene I never see her with her scarf over her head but a crown instead. I don't think it's disrespectful, to think of her like a normal person, or joke in jest, but I realized it's a little bit different in the UK. I think the Queen must get tired of all the polite talk all the time, which is why she married Philipe (phil-ee-pay). At any rate, it might be good, might not. Then the other headline I saw, which I haven't clicked on, is one about the Queen being immortalized in jelly. ? I think if I were getting her a gift, if she didn't already have the book of Carrie Fisher, immortalized with knobs on her head, and plastered across clinical books with those knobs, as the textbook look of a manic-depressive, that's what I would get her. Or just a couple of the photos of the headlines. I got this message via satellite: "We're not friends." Just kidding around.

Looked at a few headlines, read the one about Harry, good that he's doing that match in Africa, and he looks happy. William should definitely keep up his connections with kids because I think he's much better with them than most, the vast majority of men even. I read an article where he says he's not near the level of his mom, and talks about her connection to children, but I haven't even seen many clips and I see it, and I see a lot of people with kids. I think it's good for his heart too.

Was going to a photo of the queen but it took me to New Years Eve. It doesn't look like it was very much fun. Hopefully, she got to have a drink or two, but she looks less than enthusiastic at singing Auld Sang Laud or whatever, with the Blairs. I was actually clicking to look at a photo of Prince C with C because I thought it was funny Camilla was snapping back, with a camera.

Last night I took some time to watch Di clips and I only watched ones where she was laughing or ones marked "funny". My favorite one still, which makes me laugh, is the one speech lesson where William tells her it's awful and it was recording and Harry says "take two". The way he says "take two" makes me laugh so hard.

Oh, just saw a clip of video from the tour (which I had not read up on at all these last few days) and in this one, so much like his mother in his mannerisms. He says, "We'll see, let's not get carried away" or something and is so much like her, I don't think looks like her so much as just the mannerisms. Well, that's all. I feel a little weird writing about these things now. Want to be supportive but confused about other things happening over here so it's been strange. I did wonder at this article about the Queen refered to as the "white heron"--was that the same day I got "father goose?" it crossed my mind once about Prince Philip for whatever reason but I think it might be unrelated and was just for me to watch the movie.

I've been deliberating about writing about some of the things that happened on Bainbridge Island when I was there. I've divulged some peculiar things, but there was something very dangerous happening there and in Seattle as well and I wondered why someone would do these things and want access to me in this way. Some of it was truly horrible. Someone was also looking out for me though, was the strange thing, but I was approached by some military guy again in the middle of one thing and yet I wonder if this is to detract from something else and just make it appear to...I don't know.

I suppose I will pray first and I also want to know how the hostages are doing.

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