Wednesday, January 13, 2010

CPS Refusing To Honor Visitation With My Son

Monday's visit‏
From: Cathy Lloyd (
Sent: Wed 1/13/10 4:35 PM

Hey there, Cameo. Justin is out of the country for a few days and I just received a phone call from Michelle Erickson. She tried to call you on your cell phone, but apparently had no luck. She wants to inform you that since Monday is a Federal Holiday, there will be no visit on that day. I asked her if she was planning a make up visit and she said “not at this time.” I told her that I didn’t think it was fair, but she stated that there was a court order that stated there would be no make up visits. I know this happens regularly, so I don’t know if you want to maybe change visitation days to like Tuesdays and Thursdays or something. Cuz most of the main holidays don’t fall on a Tuesday or Thursday. But with Memorial Day and Labor day…you are also looking at no Monday visits, so….

I am not sure if you have tried to communicate with Justin via email, but he is out of the country and won’t be returning until the 19th. You should probably try to call him when he gets back to discuss your case and see if there is anyway to get Ms. Erickson to grant you a make up visit.

Catherine Lloyd

Legal Assistant

Kottkamp & Yedinak, PLLC

435 Orondo/ PO Box 1667

Wenatchee, WA 98807-1667

Phone: (509) 667-8667

Fax: (509) 667-8837



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