Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Dog's Sense of Sight

I noticed the dog, she is so old, but when we were walking last night, that dog kept turning and wanting to follow cars, usually SUVs or vans, that were sort of tan or gold colored.

I was thinking she was colorblind or something, or maybe couldn't even see well, because she sniffs the game out but I always see it first.

Well, all last night, downtown, every time she wanted to turn and pull away and go torwards a car, it was a gold or beige one. I thought this was so unique and I don't know if she sees the car in the color it actually is, but it seemed like it, because she kept doing this. It was the weirdest thing. I mean, it was even nighttime, but she kept wanting to take off after the gold cars, usually SUV types, small or larger. It was always the glittery kind of beige, more like gold toned or sand colored.

And then, at one point, she wanted to go off torwards the courthouse in Wenatchee. Like, the Juevenile Detention area. She kept staring and staring and I had to pull her away because she really wanted to go to the courthouse/jail area. I think maybe someone was outside and she sniffed it out but I really had to pull to keep her from dragging me over to that courthouse-jail area.

If this dog is old, she is a really smart old dog, who maybe got hit by a car or had some kind of issues or problems, but yet she's still somehow smart. I am really surprised by her at times.

She also likes music. She likes music and it makes her happy to hear singing or music, and she knows the word "deer".

After someone fed her hot cheetos, I took her with me into the next grocery store because I didn't want to leave her alone. I did let a cashier know, and the dog went with me through the aisles. I figured they'd be understanding and she was really good. The woman said, "Is the dog for sight? or what disability?" and first I said, "Oh, multiple disabilities."

She said "Oh." and then I just told her, "Actually, she's not for any disability--but I couldn't bear to leave her outside because I did for a short time at the library and someone fed her hot cheetos and I felt too sorry for her..isn't that awful?" and the lady agreed and everyone was fine with it.

I thought, when asked, "I have to think fast! What disability? If I say seeing eye dog, how can I see the keypad? If I say hearing aid dog, how did I hear her question..." so I figured "multiple disabilities" was general and vague. But then I thought, I might get in trouble lying, and any normal person would be sympathetic to a dog being taunted, so I just came out with the truth and she was very understanding.

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