Sunday, January 3, 2010

Dream About Ireland & Canada Last Night

I had a dream last night. I'm sure I don't remember all of it, but I was travelling or visiting two different countries, but it was a lot of hiking.

First, I woke up twice to images of Chris Dabney in his black workshirt. It seemed like he was driving a car in both but I have never seen him driving a car before.

Then, I woke up and there was some other guy who I seemed to recognize but it was the first time I'd seen him and he had fluffier hair. He was tall and mid 20s but I don't remember what he looks like.

Next, I was traveling, and first it was Ireland yet the landscape kept shifting, like we'd come to the top of a hill and then look down and the earth dropped off, flat and green, like what you see from a pilot's practice meter thing, where it similates flying and all of a sudden the landscape is at this sharp angle. It happened at least 3-4 times, where we'd come to the top of a new vista, and looking down, there was an unbelievably steep drop and the plane of the world was at a different angle. I don't know how to describe it except in what I've seen in movies with flight simulation or, if one were to hold up a snowglobe which is in the shape of a ball and has a flat surface of snow, and then turn it and that plane is cutting from top to bottom.

I was with some other people, and we hiked into Ireland and into the town and everything and visited many places. Then, suddenly, I was doing the same thing in Canada, and visiting and then at the end, I was looking at a newspaper and first it was a phonebook but mixed with job advertisements. Then I found the list for butlers, I have no idea why butlers were there, on the left page, but then I looked and on the opposite side, was a short list for wait staff and two of the listings had seashell icons next to them. There were 4 positions for wait staff but 2 with the seashell place, and I said to someone, "I wonder why there are always job openings with the shell station?" and then I wondered why the shell station was now hiring wait staff because I had thought they were gas stations. And then I woke up.

Most of the dream was hiking across a lot of mountains and countryside. It seemed like we were in a lot of rustic-style lodges too. Lodges or pubs.
My first song was Frente's "Everytime I See You Falling". It came on when I started up my computer this morning bc it was the last song I listened to last night.

I took the dog for a walk this morning. She expects it now. I was going to let her run around and take off but then two cars went by--one with plates "UFT" and the next with plates "PYD". I guess I have an overactive imagination but "offed" and "paid" like "got paid" came to mind and I lost my enthusiasm for running through the hills with the dog.

I asked what kind of dog she is, and the guy told me she's a black lab but she doesn't really look like full lab to me. She looks like a lab with a small mixture of something else. One thing, is that I never really thought labs were hunting types, but I'm changing my mind. I've been around shitzus and shelties and border collies. I know the shelties and border collies have very strong herding instincts, but they're not "sniffers" as much...and the ones I've known have been afraid of gunshot noises. This one though, she sniffs out all the deer tracks right away and gets excited and then whenever she hears gunshot noises, she gets EXCITED, like she wants to be around the guns! So weird. I've never been around a dog before that likes the sound of guns going off.

I forgot how much more fun it is to walk with dogs though. Much better than walking alone. This one gets so excited when I take her off the leash and went bounding through a thicket and came back with a bloody paw and then she was sniffing her own paw prints in the snow as if she didn't know where some of the bleeding came from. I think she stepped into a thorn when she was crashing through the bramble. I wouldn't have noticed any of the deer tracks around here if she hadn't sniffed them out.

Most of the dogs I've been around, do not like going into the water for a swim, and they're herding dogs. Like I said, shelties, border collies, and a guess a German Shepherd or two.

There is this thing though, where I feel there is this maybe running joke that I "am" Di or think I am or I don't know what, but little things said or put in my path to make me think of that family, as if I don't enough already. Poor them, if anyone is putting "cameo"s all over the place.

As for the "readings" I guess I'll go ahead with it. I don't have to name who I've talked to and didn't want to get their last name anyway, but for Nicolas I thought I got, in one minute "broken, wreck, parachute or paratrooper (or was this with will? i can't remember), and wedding vows. cherish and then the whole recitation of vows. also, the name deborah and desdemona." but not one thing seemed really "right" or "i don't know why this came to mind" except the wedding vows. then, in one minute, thinking about william of wales I got "esoterical" (and i didn't remember the meaning), javelin, daring, and the first thing, very strong was the phrase "i'm so proud of you". also, i got 'jail' but I don't think that fits at all so sometimes stuff is random, what they call "mental noise". i was asked if nic's marriage vows had been broken and i said i wouldn't know. i was also asked if the queen was thinking of passing the crown to william and skipping charles and i said i would have no idea. I don't feel like I'm very accurate anyway, unless it just comes to me out of the blue. Then the next day there was an article about William saying he wasn't a shadow king and that his father was next in line and he was going on with his life, or work in the search and rescue team and I thought it was right. It's how I think he would feel but I'm not going to presume to know what others are thinking, unless it's just for fun.
I sense good energy right now. After having written this, I don't know why. It was very good and strong when I was talking to that woman too. I guess it's about 9:11 a.m. right now. Oh, weird, on the other clocks it's 11:09. The exact reverse. I think it's the later time.

still, very strong and good energy.
listening to Natalie Merchant's "carnival"
I was just putting on some mascara and remembered more of my dream. hahaha! In one part, I was talking with a bunch of young women who were all Irish. I think they were college aged. Or we were at a college. I noticed almost all of them were not wearing make up or very little make up and we started talking about the difference. They tried to say there were pretty women in the U.S. and I said well, some of them wore high heels and jeans and a blouse with tons of make up to class and I could see they didn't. They were pretty without any make up. Then we were talking about male-female ratio and they were upset bc there were more women than men there. I don't know if this is true in reality or not but it came up and then I was wondering if it was because of losing men to conflicts or what.

There was one young irish woman there with sandy blond hair and she was looking around, and there was something about her but I don't remember what. She was just bored.

I think it was sometime after talking about make up and guys, that the scene changed and then I was in Canada.

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