Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dream & Car Crash

I didn't dream much. Still tired today and probably have to get iron supplement. I briefly dreamed or saw an image of a bog or some kind of swamp, actually, just the image of a word "bog" and I think "mill". Then something about an art piece of the head of a dog, lab, which was a photo or painting, recessed, with a box frame around it which protroded. Brown or tan dog. Like a box, an apple crate box, but in the recess the head of a lab type of dog.

That was it. I woke and realized I didn't explain what happened in the last car crash. I realized it sounded like I just walked away from it but I didn't mention the fact that I waited but saw they immediately both drove to the side of the road and then others were there and everyone was walking and fine. So I knew there were not injured badly and it was a fender bender.

As for the other thing, my reaction might sound odd, but there was something else to it and it wasn't just, well, I don't want to get into it.

Energy feels fine this morning but I guess I have to make some calls because so many people have been trying to imply someone has died, that I might have known. I have no idea.

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