Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dream Last Night & News

I couldn't sleep at first because I was scared, and then I finally fell asleep and my subconcious kicked in, and I was being secretly watched and interviewed for some important position. Hhaaaa...I think it was another of my royalty dreams.

So embarrassing, so I think I'll just believe I am channeling Di in my dreams somehow.

I was at a gas station again. I went into the convenience part of the gas station and someone was there, asking me questions, and then there were about 4 or 5 people making small talk. I said something and everyone laughed and then the blond guy nodded over to the others like I was "okay" and that was when I realized I wasn't just meeting strangers. It was a blond guy, I think, that I talked to last night from Virginia but it might have been someone else.

Then I was sitting down and it was sort of an office and I found out the people who seemed to be just regular people had these incredible jobs.
This is weird because I'm sensing the very strong and good energy right now. It's 11:15 a.m. This is very weird, very strong positive energy and it is probably prayers for me to not talk anymore.
Anyway, then I said something that wasn't really funny and soeone said "Why did you say that?" and I said I had no idea, it just came to mind, and I think I had a couple points docked for that but I woke feeling like I was still in some kind of good standing for whatever reason.
Then right before I got out of bed, I saw the words "OVERTHROW WILL" in all caps in black and it wasn't my thought or idea and I don't know what "will" but it was either a random idea or I picked up on someone else's idea to "overthrow" some William. I read about William of Wales and then I only know Will Wagler, but I wouldn't want either to be "overthrown" so I think this was just a random thing I saw. It would seem "overthrow" is more like a royal ousting but William of Wales isn't even in power and might not be for a very very long time,or who knows...But dreams are very strange. Maybe it was a practical joke or part of a joke that I saw. I was about to get up and just resting so I don't know. The other dream was a real dream, I was fully asleep, but I didn't have a "destiny" or vivid feeling about it, it was just like any dream anyone has.

I just looked up news and saw their portrait. It's actually very good. At first glance, I thought it was a photo. I had to look up close. I started laughing because I like how she got this angle of them, with Harry's profile, because of his nose, and with William there. It brought this one, of the two of them in a black and white where William is sitting and Harry is standing by with his leg bent. It's sort of a mirror but in a way a reversal too. Hmm, interesting. I think Diana would have really loved it. Nice uniforms too! I wonder how long it took for her to paint something like that?

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