Monday, January 18, 2010

Dream Last Night

I had the same dream, two times in a row last night and then some other dream. I don't remember everything except that I woke up after the first dream and then the second dream, which were identical.

I remember everything when I got up in the morning but I didn't write it all down and forgot everything. The first two dreams, which were repeats, involved 4 people and then the word "piano" and that was it. I can't remember anything else.

If I don't have my son back, I don't know what I will do. I know I won't work for anyone in America, because I will not work in a country that allowed this to happen to my son without doing anything about it, when I've gone to all the effort I've gone to about it and people are very much aware of the situation.

I would rather help military people in another country, about research and other areas, and find ways to expose corruption and I would probably also bring up all of the points I have which could easily be made for political asylum after this.

Some of this is gang related, but I can't separate the government from the gangs or the mob anymore. I had a bunch of people come in from Canada once, I guess it was "mob convention" month in Wenatchee and just tons of people were coming in from out of town and made a lot of pointed and harassing comments, specifically, to me. Some from Canada, so it's not like I just think it's this country. But if the U.S. cannot do anything about my son, when I try so hard, I am not doing anything for the U.S. And it would be a cold day in hell that I would change my mind, and betray some other country, if they should be good enough to try to help me and my son. Me, if not my son.

I suppose it sounds drastic, but that's what it comes down to.

I offer up my ideas and my heart and solutions to the U.S., and try to think of things people could do to help others, and this system can't even function correctly with a case involving my son which NEVER should have gone this far to begin with?

I think some people just don't want me to have my son out of vindictive nature, and others don't want me to have my son because they want to make me look as unappealing as possible to others who actually did take notice. Oh hell no, that wasn't going to happen, so bring in all the forces to try to get me either locked up in jail or out of the way in some other fashion.

There is nothing I will do better, without my son, than to become the Ishmael this country's hypocrites and my own family will make out of me. And even God saw Hagar in the wilderness. There is absolutely nothing then, without my son, that could ever make me even want to do anything good for this country.

This is coming back full circle to what it was when I tried to take my son to Canada. I guess some people wanted to find a way to stall and make it look like a legal process has been followed when nothing has been followed at all. Every rule in the book has been broken, and my son has suffered. I had some people who then just wanted to kill me off because I got attention from some who major groups did not want me to get attention from. What? and take away from their own plan of how to get someone into power? It's all been about politics and religion.

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