Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gang Abuse Of My Son & Request For Information

I saw my son today and he had a burn on his hand, on his right hand, like I got at the house I'm staying at. When I asked him how he got it he tried to tell me and it didn't sound like it happened at the hands of the Avilas either. He wanted to tell me but couldn't tell me and seemed to be afraid to do so. When he saw my burn he waved his hand over my hand and said something in a language that didn't even sound like Spanish, it sounded like some kind of "spell" or looked like that type of thing, like someone did this to him and wanted him to do this to me.

I know the Avila's are being intimidated but I don't know how innocent they are if they refuse to speak up for my son, unless, what I think, is that some group just wants to make everyone look bad and have my son removed from the entire family.

They don't want me to have a chance to have my son and they are using my family and intimidating and threatening to do further harm to my son or them, if they don't go along, knowing all the time, that I'll talk about it and that after this group tries to cut off my rights, they'll spin around and take him from the Avila's too.

My son said he didn't want to shut his eyes because it was scary and I asked him why and he said it was because Holly hit his eyes when he was lying down, pressed her palm into his eyes. He said it hurt. He acted like it's happened before. I asked him what was scary about closing his eyes and he said something about Holly and then made a motion of his eyes being pressed or covered. Possibly she didn't want him to see something? Or, it's possible someone was over there instructing my aunt to do this and she was forced to do it, and someone knew she would be blamed and my son would say it was her? I know when my son got a huge slice off of his face, he said it was from "a guy at a party" and I found out there HAD been a party at their house that weekend. I don't know if someone fed him this information because it doesn't add up with what the symptoms to his eyes really were. I think it's possible she did this, but maybe trying to get the itch out or maybe doing her laying on of hands, but what I saw happen to my son's eyes, did not look at all like it was from Holly but someone else doing something. His eyes hurt and he couldn't see very well, and he would keep pulling on the corner of his eye, saying he had something in his eye. Not once then, when I asked, did he say Holly did something to his eyes. And Pablo was telling me it was probably from the orchard dust. If so, it was also affecting another little girl at the daycare I worked at for a day, she was having the same symptoms my son was having. And she, for one, was at least 7 years old and old enough to talk about whether some adult had hit her in the eye.

But on the other hand, I watched my son and I believe him in some ways because he looked at me like I was his protector and told me this and showed me how it was done, and I do know my aunt has had mood swings and my son doesn't care to be around her. I know Holly was trying to cut my son off from visiting with me over the phone and has made other comments to the state. I know I had various groups, with the hispanic organization, in D.C. having me hear how my son was being traumatized and the number coming in was a Seattle number. This is straight up gang violence and what is really sad is that most of the people here want to be a part of the problem and not the solution, or are also intimidated and go along. People in intel, on the East Coast, were telling me to protect my son and that I needed to go back to protect him and people were not joking either. I had some people rubbing it in, for whatever reason, and then others were disgusted and yet couldn't tell me why they knew what they knew.

I don't know why some top honcho with some good government authority doesn't get involved in this case.

Holly and Pablo would never think of the little "spell" that my son was repeating, waving over my hand to be healed. It is not something that my aunt or uncle would even IMAGINE. I mean, they are not innocent and can be devious on their own and they don't love my son like I do, but they wouldn't come up with this little "spell" stuff. In its own way it was sweet, and for him to do this and say to me "feel better mama?" but the thing is, someone is feeding my son a bunch of BS. It wasn't even Spanish, and didn't sound like Spanish at all.

If some group is trying to protect my son, the other group wants to shift blame through someone else and try to CONFUSE me. If some group wants ME and my son to be reunited, the others re working overtime to make it appear as though no one does and does stuff to try to affect my decision-making.

Either that, or these groups are all corrupt and this entire state, if not country, needs a massive overhaul or it will not stand much longer.

I tried and tried to get help from local people and FBI when I and my son first had problems and not ONE person would do anything. Instead, I was slandered as being mentally ill, when I later found out, a LOT of people knew all along that I wasn't. And people KNEW serious harm was happening to my son and that it was gang related in some way and yet I didn't know at the time and I asked for help and this state is so corrupt, no one got involved.

I had problems with my phone, with my son's electronics, and our health, and people even in this town knew it was true and that I wasn't making things up and they did nothing. Then I had the same thing start to happen with the phones and numbers again recently, which I documented, but this time with people witnessing so no one could claim I was nuts.

Not only that, I just recently found out some main Mexican mafia guy, Arturo Leyva, was killed, but what I discovered was that some group pulled his pants down and the photographed him this way. I didn't know this at the tim, but it was right around this time that my son told me Sue, one of the monitor's, kept telling him not to pull his pants down. My son doesn't pull his pants down and is very private. I thought it was very strange if he'd been pulling his pants down, and around Sue, when he doesn't even want anyone in the bathroom with him. And he made a point of telling me this. I would have to see if this happened at a visit right after what happened because if there are gang wars in this area or something, or territorial claims and conflicts, I don't know. I am not on the side of any gang at all, and my biggest "fault" is that I try to be who I am independently and treat people with equality the best that I can. I would like to know, though, I would like to see the evidence myself, of who is doing these thing to my son. Is there anyone who has enough balls to do this for me and my son?

I know some of the latin people have known my son is being harmed, but there are tons of white people involved, and many of them in government jobs who are connected and who allowed this to happen.

I know whichever group or people are trying to help, the others want me to doubt and be confused about.

I also feel that my aunt and uncle don't want me to have my son and said as much to me about it. I feel that they might even try to take measures to harm or mark my son to influence my decisions. They want my son, and want me to go along with whatever group they're affiliated with and if I don't, I wouldn't put it past them to harm my son to send me a message. I think more than anything, they are taking orders from someone, just like most of the people in this town do.

Last time my son got a scratch on his face, my son said it was done "at church", but I don't know if this is the truth.

I went to see my son today and two women come out and stand next to eachother, after I had arrived, and they are not even in the main office usually. They came in and then stood there side by side in red and blue. Then I went to the visit and my son was dressed in the same colors as the monitor, as always, the monitor coordinates her clothing to match the colors my son is wearing that day. Today it was green and the monitor wore green and my son wore a green John Deere sweatshirt over his grey tee and pants with red shoes. When my pen ran out of ink, the monitor had different ones with her and she specifically chose the green one.

Then I go into a cafe and there are these nice women but telling me what my "biggest mistake" was and then half the time I think the CIA IS somehow embroiled in this, especially after I read they regularly engage with mobs and mafias (if not some religious groups that just have military and government connections, I don't know). So maybe no one wants to help me with my son because they are just as much a part of the pressure, or it's something else. I don't know. So the women, I guessed correctly about one on two counts. I guessed, without anyone saying anything, that she was from out of the area, but she ws taking photos with a camera too. I asked if she was a student and she said yes. But here I am, being nice to them, and they're telling me they're husbands are in military and they're doing the same shit. All the colors and then arranging 6 salt & pepper shakers on the table, along with a little shopping cart, and then coming over to put 2 on my windowsill. I asked what branch and the one said her sister was in the Army and she almost went into it, and then her husband is in some air force along with the other woman's husband. I sit there, chatting along, being really nice, and then they leave me with the nice little 6 present, which is some of the stupidest stuff I've had to deal with in who knows how long. Get a fucking LIFE. WHY in the world does anyone think this is fun or a worthwhile pursuit? If people here put the kind of effort into helping the homeless and feeding the poor and caring for the sick and helping 3rd world countries, as they do with all this watching me and others and doing stupid symbolic shit, the whole world would be a happier place. Think of the things that could be done. Huge things could be done.

I would never join the military and if anyone thinks I'm doing any special work, or helping anyone with research or psychic stuff, if no one from the U.S. is going to get involved with this case with my son.

I DO have gifts and skills, and I could be an asset to some group, but I am doing NOTHING for anyone if my son is taken from me, except raising hell.

But if this is all about gangs and international, then the whole world is screwed.

Vibe in general? good and very strong through most of the visit with my son and then after too. A few waves of sadness and other, but still, a strong positive vibe. Which is totally bizarre because I have no idea why I should feel the strong positive energy. I'm not exactly happy with everything but someone must be praying or is in town.

Oh, so I had my visit with my son, and it's being broadcast to others while I am blocked from recording things. These monitors have the information from my visits going straight out to others who disseminate it to others. It's disgusting. So I'm having the visit with my son and my son is making this sucking noise that is very particular, and I watch my son leaving and he waves all the way out, and I clean up and just as I am about to go out, and everyone sees this, a woman's name is called out and she passed me, making that same noise my son was making over and over, and she's wearing a red shirt and smirking at me and, I got the lady's name (because they called it out you see): Linda Casey. Lovely little tramp. A real dish.

I had blogged about the state workers, and the AG, saying their greatest mistake had been to refuse to take my willingness to be called crazy, I believe, I would have to go back. Today at the cafe, this other woman tried to tell me "your greatest mistake was being too nice." This is a woman who part of the 6 salt shakers group.

What I've gathered, intuitively, is that there is a point system going on and a sick game. I don't know how I know this but I do. I also know that different people are being enabled to take turns being "in charge" and are probably going up to visit my son and brainwash him or leave hiim with a message to take back to me. Someone is directing things and I had someone tell me, when I said I thought other people were getting hurt, he said, "How do you know this?!" and I said I just knew. I said I sensed there was something going on like "fight club" and people were getting hurt and that also depending on what I did or steps I took, different groups were getting points of some kind and then the chance to get up close and personal with my son, to do with him whatever they or their group wanted to do. I don't think it's been just one person. Different people have taken turns and my aunt and uncle might do things too, but someone is directing this to be done. My aunt and uncle cover up for it, out of fear, or they have also intimidated me, telling me I will never see my son again if I don't do this and that--basically, my uncle Pablo told me this. My aunt has said shitty things about me but I think she would let me have my son back, but from what I hear, Pablo doesn't want this and he mocked me in the last conversation I had with him, saying "Okey-dokey" over and over and then I started being told this same thing by other people, "okee-dokee" and other pieces of our conversation were repeated back to me later.

I have heard names being used as to who is up next, like it's a boxing match. I got one when I overheard it on the answering machine of a guy I stayed with very short term and then I knew. But it's said as one name, not as two separate names. It's the first name of one guy and then the last name of the other guy, at least it was this way when I've heard this being called out. Once it was Charles _______ some Italian last name and another time it ws an Italian and then a Jewish combo or whatever. The man announcing this had some kind of accent, when I first heard him, and he sounded very distinguished. He had nothing else to say, just left a name and that was it. My idea is that things are getting passed back and forth and my son is caught in the middle. I also think there is also something else going on which is under the guise of what's going on.

Hmm, I deleted this other part bc I started getting a sad vibe so I can't keep it.

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