Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Great Night

I had been feeling this negative or very sad energy and it's totally gone now. I don't know, but someone made a difference for me tonight, somewhere and I can feel that difference. Thank you.

I feel like I can pray more now.

I was thinking about seeing the movie rabbit proof and then the cove and thought, what a strange but great combination that would be! how to get to the cove through the rabbit proof fence, but really, both films sound like they have a lot in common. I put my other thoughts in draft form and want to look up dolphins.

I do have more to write, but maybe tomorrow.

Well, looked up dolphins but have a bad vibe right now. It's about 9 p.m. or so. I was feeling much better and everything seemed to be good and right now, it's not.

I should have done more tonight, and written more that I'd planned to write, but I did more research instead. It makes it less serious when I talk about being fine, and write about things casually and joke around, when really, there are and have been extremely serious things happening with this case, my son, and my life.

Right now I think my son is either crying and not sleeping well, or someone is drinking too much or is sad, or it's all these people that suffered from this crash. More than anything, I sense sadness.

I meant to pray but didn't. Going to bed and will just pray until sleep.

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