Monday, January 25, 2010

Hidden Cameras & Invasion of Privacy

I had someone tell me I've been filmed without my consent. I won't say who. I also suspected as much because of things which were happening and copied, that I did in private which no one should know about. Such as, what color of shirt I was wearing when my curtains were closed and doors shut and then I have several people drive by me or usually even walk by, wearing the exact same thing. It would be a total coincidence if it didn't happen so often and if these people, men AND women, were not going out of their way to have me notice. Well, I wondered, and then I got confirmation it was happening and had happened. It was someone local too, and someone who was born and raised here (so they said). I have no idea how they knew.

I also found out, getting home tonight, that someone went through my entire room and again, took photos. That's what I was told, about photos, that they thought it was today or from today but I only noticed someone had been in my room and moved things around. I also don't know where the cameras are, if they're still there, or it's through the computer, and where it was coming from at other places I lived and even "visited" briefly. One place was at a gym or swimming pool, the bathroom, I'm told.

Now I understand why I was told "we provide better coverage" and all the smirks (it takes on a new meaning now) and why all the "hello kitty" references as well.

I want these people to go to jail.

I don't care if it comes out into the open more, if the people responsible are caught and charged with crime. Anyone withholding evidence because they're afraid something might embarrass or hurt me more, shouldn't worry about this. I personally would much rather have that information even broadcast to the world, I really don't care at this point, as long as the people responsible are held accountable for it. I would gladly trade my privacy, which has already been invaded, for accountability. And anyone trying to protect me or my honor, has my permission to go forward with evidence and to be a witness for me, because my choice, if I have one, is to rather have myself embarrassed and yet person responsible charged and convicted, than to try to preserve my privacy. I don't care how bad it is, because if it's out there, it's already been seen by someone, and I would rather have these people all end up in jail.

I feel perhaps someone has been holding back, thinking it would be worse for me, or someone has threatened to make it worse, but from my heart, I hope and pray you will understand that I choose this, to have even myself exposed in some way, if it means exposing others to have this taken care of.

I feel like I'm living in Ninevah.

I noticed and sensed some good people were in town, and I somehow just knew and could feel it, but there was a lot of other stuff going on too.

After writing all that I did about my family, while I have no way of knowing what's going on, I do know that they would have given me my son back right away, that's what they say, and they were being pressured by the state. Then, they got attached, but I know they've been intimidated by some group and the people in charge have enough "legal authority" and yet abuse it in a manner that it creates fear if they don't cooperate.

I sense very good energy as I write this post, and it's not because of things that happened last night, or today, or are happening this evening. It is because I know someone has their eyes open and is looking out for me. More than one person

Thank you so much to those brave enough to trust me with important information about my life and my son. I am extremely thankful and have nothing but thanks to you and thanks to God for trying to help me. You do not have to worry about anything either. Try to do the right thing. Bless you.

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