Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Little Drummer Boy

My son wanted to sing this and have me read this today so my first chosen song of the day is this one. This is the first version that popped up and I thought it sounded interesting since it features David Bowie of all things. Here's one with Charlotte Church but it's almost too high for me. Still, she has a beautiful voice so I'm posting it. Here is one by Jars of Clay that's not so high. I like this version. This one has all the verses we sang today. This most fits the version we sang.

Last visit, he wanted this book and song, and this visit, he stalled and tried to delay the ending of our visit by reading this one over and over. Then, at the end, he took the book and he slipped it under the bookcase to save for next time.

First, today, I sang and read it to him with him on my lap and patting out a rhythm and then he said, let's do it this way now! and he wanted to lie on our stomach's next to eachother and have me read it this way, with me patting out the drum onto the floor as we sang and turned the pages. This is how we did it last time and he wanted to do it this way again.

Such very strong positive energy right now. Very powerful. 4:15 p.m. or so.
Oh I like this one. It's high but not jarring. By Celtic Woman. I don't really like the theatrics in this one very much though...the spirit isn't right for the song--that blond woman...uggh. She looks like she wants to pah-rum-pum-pum-pum on a date or something. My son would like the first one bc he'd think she looks lke a mermaid in that turquoise fan-tail dress. I do like the beginning and the first singer. Even though the choral music is pretty, it's somehow not right. I do like the beginning, it made me laugh because, hey! what are my former co-workers doing in a choir?

I think I still like the Jars of Clay one best.

This one is instrumental by London Symphony:

This one isn't bad, but I don't know what country the photos are of?

I like this one, with the boys choir. Suddenly high isn't as bad...oooh, but no, don't like that minor chord thrown in to shake things up i the middle of everything. Hmmm, look at the boys at the end, when the shepherd comes in with a bag-o-gold...they look really happy. They look like they've been told they're going to be taking turns changing the newborn king's diaper. "Me first!" "No! Me!" It's pretty though. I haven't decided which one I like best...except so far I still like the Jars of Clay one.

Whoa! Jazzy...don't know what I think of this. All I can say, is that this is one very good shot of a nice arm, that first photo of Lauryn Hill's arm. I want that ARM!

The Simpson sisters:
Way too sexy for the baby Jesus. Or any kind of baby king for that matter, they look like they're singing a "Happy Birthday Mr. President" marilyn monroe version. I mean, maybe if the...this isn't even appropriate for a pre-teen king.

Bob Dylan: We're all warming our hands over a fire in a burning barrel here. No, this one isn't bad. The mood is right at least. This one reminded me of leonard cohen a little bit. Just a little bit. How do you tell them apart after they've had a few too many?

Perry Como is just never wrong for the holiday singing. But I don't really believe him, that he's a "poor boy too" in his tux at the gala. I think I would like to see a little boy singing this song. Just one boy, with a drum. Maybe we could say it's figurative for "poor in spirit" or humble in spirit or maybe, down-and-out (ima poor boy).?

Les Mis comes to mind for some reason. The little drummer boy and something about Les Mis.

For a solo woman's version, I like this one by Tori Amos:

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