Friday, January 29, 2010

Lucky Guess (Military)

I had a lucky guess and that's all it was, or I would classify it as "intuitive".

My nurse came in at the end and something just struck me, where it didn't before, I saw a flash of his shoes, which were black, but all I saw was black and this flash of black military boots came to mind. I looked again at his shoes. They were plain low-top sneakers, tennis shoes. But the image I got was of him in the military with black combat boots.

I said, "Were you in the military?" and he said yes. I said next, "Did you have black combat boots?" and he said, "Yeah, well we had a lot of kinds," and he went on to describe army green jumper boots. I said, "No, black boots. Did you have black combat boots?" and he said yes, all his boots had been black and even the army ones, which were only camoflague or green at the very top.

What I felt was interesting was that when he digressed onto some army green boots, I kept coming back to the black boots and finally, this ended up being the color they all were, with one pair just having green at the top he said.

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