Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Music Today & Ideas

The first song that came to my mind today was by Queen: "Is this the real life?" but then when I got to youtube "I could use somebody" by Kings of Leon came on so I clicked on this first.

I still need to listen to the Queen song, because that's how I feel today.

I think I already mentioned this somewhere today...my posts are really all over the place already this morning, but I got up and was thinking turquoise jacket and then I put on a green shirt and walked out, and everything around me was green. Its like it somehow sort of came to mind first.

So I put a black shirt under my top bc the green top is sleeveless, and black tight pants and then it made me think about this bracelet that I had treasured and had for such a long time, with white black and green agates or little stones, from a friend co-worker. It got lost or stolen but I had tried to keep it on me all the time. It was sometime in a bag and then disappeared. But I thought about this bracelet today, from my friend from Mongolia. I really liked it and it just disappeared one day.

I might be seeing my Dad soon. He may be coming into town and that would be good. I need to talk to him about some things. We'll see, if time permits. I need to discuss with him what I've been doing and the best way to go about getting my son back. I've done everything I can do and I'm not getting any help from the lawyers or the state right now.
I also started thinking more about strategies the U.S. could take to turn the economy around and get money going in the right places and priorities straight. I wonder if there is a list anywhere, of what top priorities are and then how much money should be allocated.

I really think the country's main problem is threats from abroad but just as much within bc of corruption. Corruption is what messed up the finances of the world, essentially, and a lot of these people aren't going to turn over a new leaf in a day, and are still running things. I don't think it's that we're not smart enough or not able to get ahead, but that there is a huge infrastructure issue with corruption and this has affected everything. I feel very strongly that if this gets corrected and money goes into supporting taking care of this and cleaning up, then I think the economy will boom and things will right themselves.

For some really weird reason, just now, I was thinking about international ties and then all of a sudden the word "money laundering" came to mind. I don't know why and I am not sure what it is even. I'll have to look it up. I don't know what it would have to do with anything...in what way? was there a case recently? something going on? small scale or large scale? I don't know and I don't know if it's a group in the U.S., even govt. doing it or others from somewhere else or what. I don't really know what the actual defnitiion of money laundering is or what is done or why it's done. Anyway, I might look it up but it probably means nothing. It just came to mind as a phrase.

I also want to look up that Nobel egg again today, and read more about the history.

Listening to Natasha Bedingfield's "Angel" and "Pocketful of Sunshine". Everytime I hear Pocketful of Sunshine, I remember that exact moment in time, at the oil refinery in Blaine, and the Australian (I think) guy who put it on for me when I asked if I could listen to music while cleaning. He was either British or Australian, I can't remember now, but I still remember this entire scene but don't know why. Then he went out to work. This song is bittersweet for me, bc I always think about my son.

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