Friday, January 8, 2010

National Geographic Issue, Jan. 2009

I picked up The National Geographic because of the feature article about gold and consequences of mining for it. So I flipped through and it's a great issue and I asked if I could keep it until the next day. I was told yes.

Then I was at the library and this guy said he'd give me his number or email and I was trying to find paper and couldn't, so I grabbed the magazine. The first two pages were too dark to write on, so it was like the 3rd page or so, across form the list of articles or contents.

I didn't even really look at it until later but then I started laughing. I told him to write it down next to "the monkey" and then I got home and looked atnd it's this photo of a monkey and then there's a map of Colombia above it, in green and red, where the monkey is from.

So it says underneath the photo: "Wildlife As Canon Sees It" and then it goes on to talk about all the characteristics of the Tamarind monkey and I just thought about Alvaro. It cracked me up. It's the "Cotton-top Tamarin".

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