Tuesday, January 19, 2010

No Dreams & "Turquoise"

I slept very well in a weird way I guess. I slept in peace and feeling calm. I woke up off and on all night, but it wasn't anxious and I just fell back asleep and this morning I feel rested. No dreams at all--I think I kept waking up too much. Getting some things done today.

Oh, and since I'm saying what I think, I don't think that shade that everyone seems to think is turquoise is the color. I thought so at first and I had a dress and things in the color, but I think turquoise is more like Native American turquoise, the shade Q. Elizabeth has often worn, and not the teal color. But on that one day, a ton of people were wearing that color and somehow even found cars painted this shade. It was all over town. And then I found Sarah was wearing this. I think who cares anyway, but that's my opinion.

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