Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Obama, Washington State Needs Peacekeeping Troops

Now it's my time to ask the U.S. again, not just for help for Haiti, but within my own country.

I have made countless reports about what has been going on in this area and state, and people have been getting hurt, and everybody knows it's gang related and all the way to some very senior levels.

We need peacekeeping troops in this state, and investigation into widespread corruption, and a clean up.

I support all efforts in Haiti to get people the basics, but here in this state, and where I live, basic rights to safety are not being honored.

If people will constantly go over my own son, who is 3 years old and innocent, and I have state workers sneering at me telling me the police and authorities will never do anything about it, we need some serious help over here.

I know my son could use more protection, and I also know that people shouldn't have to suffer just to ensure he is safe. Nor should the loved ones of others.

There are some vicious individuals in the NW that need to be dealt with.

I don't know why all of this time and energy is going so many places but it cannot be increased here.

I am more than willing to testify about the gang violence I've seen on all sides and to testify about what has been done to my son and how people in very high positions are getting away with it.

Again, I fully support all efforts in Haiti and believe it's the right thing to do. Last night I came across a Bono book about that small speech he gave, about how God is with the weak, the poor, and the vulnerable, and I believe this is true, that helping them is right in the eyes of God and our generosity is one reason we are one of the top countries. We give more than many countries, even when you compare it to how much is made, we offer a lot of aid.

However, this might be like me, giving away all of money to help others but not realizing I need to help myself too. I don't believe we should withdraw any monies, but I believe priorities need to be made.

Spending for big business and companies and large projectors and expensive airfare, and all these sorts of things need to be cut. If we're in war, even government officials need to act like it, and start rationing for themselves what they are ordering when they take eachother out for lunch or dinner to discuss the economy. Even cutting down in small ways will eventually add up.

Then, this money that is saved, needs to be poured into hiring and paying trustworthy people who are going to try to turn this country around and get it's strength back by helping to set it on its feet again.

In the meantime, some of our own troops, are needed in our own neighborhoods, and if not just Wenatchee and the State of Washington, probably other neighborhoods and other states as well.

Someone published an article about how mafias and gangs are uniting and might be taking over the country. I would agree with that. I would agree with this when I see gang activity every single day in Wenatchee, and it's coming from all levels, and every other semi truck driving by which I'm meant to see, has changed from being a humorous Keebler elf truck, to truck after truck after truck that says "Allied" and "United" and so many of them, I have been wondering exactly what the message is. Is it that gangs are allied now? Is this why it seems only people like myself, who refuse to affiliate with anyone, seem to be the people having the most problems? I'm quite sure there are other issues at stake.

For one, why is it that I've had really horrible things happen to me by people dressed in blue and white or yellow gang colors, but then they seem to be the only people standing in the food line without any food. Why is it that one group, if there are a couple of different groups, seems to be struggling so much more than the others?

Some of the people holding up a clean-up and who could help with the corruption issue, are at more senior levels and have been instrumental in blocking such investigations and monies which could be used for this.

If the U.S. cannot keep the normal legal channels open and available to the public, for the safety of all individuals, there is a very serious problem in the infrastructure which needs to be watched, documented, and taken care of.

If there are so many thousand troops going to Haiti, even sending several hundred to Washington, to start independently looking into things, might be an idea.

Or what about the international Red Cross? Who do I have to CALL, to get someone with authority to take a look at what has been going on with me and my son? It is not just about one woman and her child, this is symbolic for the absolute break down in accountability here, and if not only here, elsewhere too.

I hope, and pray, that the others were right when they said Wenatchee was known for having one of the very most corrupt legal systems. Because if it's like this everywhere else, this is not good.

I think there has been a demonstrated need for peacekeeping troops and neutral investigative bodies, in this town of Wenatchee, and the state or NW in general and probably other states as well.

But if I go to the ROTC here locally, I find they're doing the exact same thing. Then I go to the federal building here which houses Social Security and the post office and the local FBI, and it appears they're doing the same thing too.

Of all things, the state workers here have used federal holidays as an excuse to block me from visiting my son and letting my son see me. Federal holidays. They have not worked around these holidays, if anything, it's been symbolic to me, of what these people feel they can get away with, in this country.

Most of these people shouldn't even have the jobs they have. The people who have integrity are pushed down and kept out of work, and those who can assure they are as corrupt as the person next door, are given jobs because the only real fear here, is that a few people with integrity, true integrity, might somehow slip into or infiltrate the system.

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