Sunday, January 24, 2010

Osama Bin Ladin

I will have to read more about developments and what is going on over there and what this latest message is all about.

I am confused too, about all the previous politics around this. How, did the U.S. arm Afghanistan to fight the Soviets but then the U.S. went in? Well, maybe the U.S. was just trying to help out and then some terrorist strikes occured bc some felt the help wasn't enough? I don't understand what was involved here exactly.

I'm surprised it's reported Osama doesn't believe in music. Is that right? surely they must sing. I don't know many cultures that don't believe in music but I think there's a church of christ that doesn't believe in instruments, at least not in church. I am thinking that must stem from a kind of Amish idea of not allowing modernism. I don't know.

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