Thursday, January 14, 2010

Prayers for People

I started to pray and felt instant connection. Which doesn't mean it's any better but just makes it easier to pray. I almost fell asleep at the end though and I prayed for maybe an hour and then went to the bathroom and my one eye was droopy. But I don't have a migraine at all, which is strange. I wonder if my migraines will eventually go away but I'll still have the droopy eye now and then?

When I prayed I asked God to please give me things again which would be so close to a mark somehow that someone would truly know that God cares about me and my son and is speaking to me and that this is real. I told God again I would give him all of the glory for anything that seemed "psychic" which might be right and prayed that his will would be done on earth as it is in heaven.

I prayed for something I can't bring up and for once, in my life, I felt God is going to honor it. I sensed it very strongly.

I prayed for family and situations and for my son and to my son, talked to him, and for the world and different countries. I prayed for the english royal family just bc they were on my mind and I believe they were in mind for a reason, so I prayed. I got some different things for people which I'll write down.

Queen Eliz: saw her walking but I saw this from behind, and she was wearing black and a 1950 or 60s style hat, and walking down a sidewalk with a cane for some reason (I've never seen her with a cane) and maybe a dog. I got "Put on your Sunday best". Something about snickerdoodles, about lancastshire or something along this pronunciation, the hobbit, strawberry tarts & tea, and blue ribbons. As for what I prayed it was just "strength" and that was it.

Pr.Philip: All that came to mind were the lyrics from the song "Sophisticated Lady" "smoking, drinking, never thinking of tomorrow...nonchalant.." and Austria which is where he's from I think. I prayed for help to quit smoking I guess but I don't think he smokes. I haven't heard he does.

Charles: "misery loves company". Something "Bernadine" and prayed for back and health and cure-all and peppermint tonic.

William: I didn't get anything for him. I was blocked. All that came to mind was Marilla in the movie Anne of Green Gables, when she spats to Mrs. ______: "Quit MEDDLING in other people's affairs!" and figured it has to do with press or some very gossipy family gossip. Then I was asking what to pray for, for him and "earmarked" came to mind which made no sense to me so I prayed for happiness.

Harry: the nursery rhyme, "to market to market to buy a fat pig, home again, home again, jiggedy jig." Something about an Emily. Dewait? or delaney? I have no idea, and then Spencer came to mind, and as a first name, or a last name used first, "hey, Spencer". Yo, spensah. I prayed for constancy for him.

Charles Spencer came next but he usually isn't in mind, yet when Spencer came up, he came up next. So something about "let it rain, let it rain". 9 mile landing or something. Gruber. Delaware. The divinity cookie. And none of this even seems right to me but it's what I'm writing.

Sarah Spencer--I felt I got something for her. First, I don't know what it means but "my birthright." Very strong, something very defensive and I didn't know if she felt this way about something or someone else once said something to her about her own birthright. tarantula. Some idea or incident with one. And finally, muskateer. It might be online and I may read about it or maybe I have somewhere, but very strong, "muskateer" and then 3 muskateers. I prayed first that I would get something Diana would say to her, and I got "muskateer". Then, I prayed for her, inner peace.

I then prayed, most of my time, on different countries. One was Haiti, to restore peace, heal sick, and for some reason, matches like they need matches? of something. Also an outpouring of help to them and I saw beds which were on unstable mud so fixing this and not to falter.

Israel, I felt an instant connection with like I was supposed to pray but it was too bad because I feel like a lot of American jews have not liked me, at least that's what I get. On one hand, some have gone out of their way, and then others seem to hate me or pretend to. There were a couple men who tried to take advantage of me on the East Coast I remember but I don't know why...maybe it was for some kind of guise. But I prayed for Israel to negotiate peace with Palestine and secure land for all. For misgiving, and for some bombing or something about to take place that is a bombing. Also, something about plastic currency but I don't know what. Finally, honor the children, including my son and my reunification.

Taiwan--girls in trafficking situations. Indonesia also came to mind in this manner.

Something random and I have no idea what it's connected to: cafeteria-tarmac-london.

Some Russian Alexander that might be able to help me get my son back. But I don't know how or who this is. I also got something about ermine, pearls, and Madonna's song, "Express Yourself".

Got a fictional idea for poem but don't know how to put it together exactly but:

At the shell station
there are 54 hells angels
believing and reaping the mustard seed
of faith of trust gone wrong
selling a song, you're too stable to sell a song
pennies and parlance
"Jackson Hole" wyoming
the woman with moccasin feet to
remind me of the shoes my baby
wore to smile false smiles
and whore to the group
laughing and weighing the indecision
like blankets on a steed, check, and deed,
and nothing will force me
nothing, to go to a jail of false claims
save o God, will you save to keep us free?
I work for no one but you
and you haven't told me how to
Set me free if I should do so.
I just checked my own "work" or whatever and found maybe matches, the matches I got is for matched contributions. I haven't been watching t.v. and have not read any articles but one on haiti and it said nothing about this. at first I thought matches, so they could build fires at night to stay warm but then I thought, no, I just got matches so don't need to figure it out. Then I went online and found there are tons of organizations which are offering to "match" the contributions of citizens who donate to Haiti.
Listening to "Here I Am To Worship" which came to mind before I prayed.
Okay, so to be fair, I am stating what might be my failures as well as successes with what I receive from images or try to discern (I'm doing my best, but I'm not perfect). So, I looked up a bunch of stuff and a lot of things look like they might fit but other things could be random. One thing I was surprised by, was the image of Queen Elizabeth, or maybe it was her mom? but I thought it was her, and with a cane. I found out there was a knee surgery awhile ago where she did use a cane and I didn't know this. I felt, at the time, it was something from the past and not for the future. Maybe it was her mom? I thought it was her though. What throws me is the 50s style dress but a lot of things are just classic. Who knows, maybe it was her mom. I was walking behind her or could see her walking away, not standing, and it was as if I was behind or someone who walked behind her. I looked it up and I guess this could be a form of postcognition. But, then, for a failure possibility, I don't see anywhere, in any news, that the Duke Prince Philip smokes at all. He used to, the news says, and quit upon marriage. So either that was totally wrong, and I thought it might be, before even looking it up, but yet it still came to my mind so I thought, maybe he secretly smokes, in his own house with no one looking, or has an occasional cigar. If not, I don't know where the idea came from and I was wrong. I looked up a lot of other things and just couldn't find info one way or the other. I did find out there was a recent bombing Israel is accused of, but I couldn't find any news about something happening later, in the future. So I sort of think it might be a future thing but bombs over there, in that area, are so commonplace. On an aside, I look up Sarah F. for the second time ever and saw photos of her daughter and wondered why more than 3/4 of her and her daughter are either in work out clothes or bikinis. I don't know why Beatrice was criticized for her weight when she has such a gorgeous figure. Plenty of women would kill, well, not kill, but would love to have curves like that, including me. Skinny twiggy types always envy the Rubenesque women, in a friendly way. It's not as though she has no shape and is just big, she has a very small waist for her other proportions--an hourglass.
I'm going to start posting all the bizarre recommended videos I get. Today I had videos recommended to me about getting kicked out of wal-mart, how to microwave things, waking up in vegas, and about children being harmed. Not to mention the other day it was a bunch of weird stuff about baby beluga, and free willy and the "whales at war".

Here are the 3 now (I'm not watching any of them, just posting though I think I'll keep a separate log, for fun, just for these videos):

Dancing Chicks at Apple Store:

Introduction to Precious Metals: Silver & Gold:

Throughout The Years 3 Grade:
I'm just going to keep a separate post just for the videos that I am "recommended". I have wondered if it's always sort of crappy stuff and how they generate what is recommended because I get recommended the weirdest stuff. It was a little weirder earlier today and the other day when everything was about whales. I think I posted the one time I got one which was about a dog having a 'moment' on a plane at christmas and it wasn't even interesting at all. Just gross. So I'm sort of curious about how the videos are generated and if it's the same for everyone in the U.S. or different for different people or also how it might be customized in other countries. If they show some of the things they do, I can't hardly blame some of these other countries for banning it. I mean, that's extreme, but I can understand how some countries would be highly offended to have that kind of thing just pop up as "recommended" for THEM.
I just looked up The Nobel Egg. I don't think I have all of the history but that's okay. One thing that I noticed, is how one brother fought to have his father's will changed after he died, because he didn't want so much to go to charity and wanted to have more for himself and his family while the other brother fought to have his father's wishes respected. I do NOT get how these "will" battles can even be fought or reversed or changed in any way. If someone makes a will, they know what they're doing, unless they're really horribly ill but even then, if they were allowed to manage their own money up to the point of their passing, they should still have their will respected. Then I went to an article about a Spencer, one of Di's sisters, and read how she was able to change Di's will and give Burrell $50,000 out of it. I don't understand. Was it just as a payment for being on board the trust? or was this a literal change of her will? Because if someone doesn't put somebody in their will, it might be for a reason and even if they're mistaken on their reasoning, I think it should still be respected. I am just wondering out loud bc I've never heard of such a thing before, or I don't understand it, these battles over wills.
Update (Jan. 15th) On the wills, except for situations like maybe Anna Nicole Smith. I was glad she got her money and I think the Supreme Court did right by her, because there was obviously a verbal promise and agreement and it was mean not to leave her and her son anything, when everyone knew what he'd told her. So I think it was right to give her something because evidence showed he had made a verbal contract with her.
Umm, so the other update I wanted to make is...I want to know what time the bombing on Israeli diplomats happened, if it coincided at all with when I was praying or if I prayed about bombs or got the bomb thing right before or after...I knew it had something to do with israel, but yeah, it happens all the time, so you know....odds but I was looking at the bombing in Iran but felt the bombs I got was more going to be against some Israelis too, but still don't know. Anyway, there was a bomb attack and the news came through the next day, which is today. Here's the link: It's possible it was more about Iran. Or something else. I don't know. Again, it seems so random and bombings seem to happen all the time over there, but still, I wonder what time it was exactly and I wish I'd documented my time exactly too.

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