Thursday, January 28, 2010

"Psychiatric Eval" for All Spiritual & Non-conformists

I told my lawyer, where the hell is the motion for a second opinion from my own independent psychologist?

He says I'm supposed to go for a psych eval now, the kind that prescribes, which, a LOT of people who have met me and know me, and know the politics, know is bullshit.

I've had a few people try to bring up "depression" lately, talking about themselves but I always wonder if they're bringing it up to try to make me "feel better" about what they or someone else thinks I might have. I don't know.

I am not depressed. It doesn't fit. I've been tired lately, but I also have anemia. I don't go around sobbing. I'm sure someone might like to put me on something hoping that if the abuses of this case continue I'll zone out, but that's not going to happen. I have every right to be reasonably upset about corruption and illegal actions. I'm not having my spirit "tempered" to "deal" with the assholes and moral cowards I have to deal with. I'm also not going to be medicated in anticipation of having more illegal actions taken to cut off my rights to my son. I didn't go on medication when my son was taken from me, and under the worse possible stress and duress, I was supposed to get "worse" mentally. I didn't, because my son and I were not actually being physically traumatized by what was affecting our health before we left for Canada.

I'm not going to have my mind tampered with, when so far, this law firm has done absolutely nothing for my son or my case. NOTHING. When half the lawyers in this town, more than half, are corrupt and take bribes and give the verdict to the highest bidder.

I'm also not mentally ill and don't need medication of any kind, aside from possibly the occasional valium to calm down.

I don't have paranoid schitzoprhenia and this is proven on the MRI and I would be more than happy to have a PET scan to prove it further, although technically, it doesn't need to be proven further. You either have it or you don't, and if you do, it shows up on MRI.

I am also not bipolar, or I'd been randomly doing weird things. When I talk about "energy" or vibes and the sensing of happiness or something wrong, it doesn't have anything to do with my own mood, aside from the normal stuff we all experience. It would be discriminatory of religious persons and those who are interested in psychic things, to try to claim that simply because someone talks about "the spirit world" or "energy" or "auras" or any of that, to claim that person is ill. I go out on a limb to record different experiences a lot of people have, and different connections we can make, on another level, and I have found increasingly, a lot of support. Much, much, more than I thought I would get. I figured, here I am writing about "energy" and yet I know the difference between a "vibe" and a "mood" and the difference between "images" and "imagination".

I figured a lot of people would really think I was nutso so I tried to clarify and distinguish as much as possible. But no, I actually found out that while there are some who just say "No, I've never experienced such a thing", I have met a LOT of people who understand exactly what I'm trying to say, and they think the same thing but are always afraid to say it out loud.

I recently found out some of the best literal psychics or remote viewers are actually people who hold somewhat conservative jobs and they keep it a secret from others because they don't want the stigma. But they are out there.

I also seriously question the idea that I need medication for anything, simply because I talk about energy and images, when a lot of people who are religious speak of "visions" or say things like "God told me to be nicer to people today." God has never personally "talked" to me, but this kind of thing gets used. Also, people DO get "a bad feeling" from certain situations, or right before tragedy, and then something happens, and it's then understood that it had nothing to do with a natural "mood" or mental state of a person, but that they were actually picking up on something that is not material...but more intangible. Like the bad feeling I had before our auto accident where my friend died, and I insisted we stop and pray, and yet the feeling still didn't go away. My friend can testify to the fact that I got a bad feeling and demanded we pray for safety for the trip. We'd already been on the road for 2 days. But all of a sudden, it was then that I knew we had to pray.

This "feeling" is not a "mood". It's sometimes hard to separate the two. But there is a big difference. A feeling of strong positive energy might come when terrible things are going on, and yet somewhere, this is being picked up on. It also might be a bad feeling right before a car crash, and was this a "mood"? No. It was instinct, intuition, a sense of energy. If it happens once in a great while, we dismiss it and say, oh, gut feeling or hunch, and agree it was "weird". But if someone attempts to really hone into these instincts and the energy, people get divided.

Some want to say there is no such thing, and it's just moods, and someone is nutty. Others completely understand or don't understand, but believe it's possible. Then of course, some believe it's possible but think it's either from Satan or from God, and then some just think it's human potential and nothing more.

With even the military and different countries which study this sort of thing, there is a divide. Some support money for the research, and the research is always ongoing because it's gained enough credibility that people know this is very real. However, you have the skeptics that believe if they "feel" something, it is just a mood and they close themselves off to even thinking there is a spiritual realm, or if not that, a extrasensory realm that exists. So it's the skeptics, who maybe haven't met anyone before or haven't had this happen to them personally, who hold back the others who know it's real. And it's good to have some skepticism.

There are more frauds and entertainment gigs than there is the real thing. A lot of people can say they know someone who had a dream that came true, or they sensed danger before there was danger, but the thing is, most people don't open themselves up to trying to experiment and be wrong sometimes, but to try to practice the gift God has given them.

At any rate, I do not meet any of the criteria or symptoms for medication, other than that I have very real stress which has been caused by the corruption and mishandling of this case with my son, and people actually trying to harm me and my son, with marks on my son's body that I'm prevented from documenting, and the fact that I have been exposed to not only gang activity that goes to the higher echelons but also to a lot of military and their interest in me is unknown.

Counseling? Maybe, but what I really need, is a legal counselor. I need a damn good attorney and if I had one, none of this would be happening. If I even had a lawyer doing the rudimentary basics, none of this would be happening.

I don't need counseling about how to join the gang and conform, and be like Michelle Erickson, when I look at the way Michelle Erickson has behaved and this is the last thing I would want, to be willing to trample over a child and mother's rights, to boost ones own self esteem and increase popularity with the people who employ her. I don't think I'm the one in need of counseling when I seem to be the only one who can manage to tell the truth and who wants proof, when Michelle and others are lying like there's no tomorrow, in a court of law no less.

My opinion, is that the people who have bullied me and my son, need to find out who God really is. Because I really think they don't know, or they would have more fear or shame about dishonoring God than following the sheep. I don't think I'm better or more special inately, but I think I am saved by grace, that I have realized who is Boss. I am very lucky to be have the grace of even having any strength to hold on with. But there are others out there too, who want the same thing that I do, equality and fairness, and liberty, and yet everyone has different things to protect and has come up on a different path. It's harder to give up a lot, when you have a lot. For me, the less I have, the more easily I am able to freely give everything to God, and in some ways, it doesn't even mean I have more strength, but less to lose. It's like the rich man in the parable, whom Jesus speaks to when He says, "It is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle" and also tells the rich man, who asks what he must do, "Go sell all you have and give it to the poor" and the man leaves sadly because he realizes he isn't willing to make that sacrifice. (Matt 19:16-20:16, Mark 10:17-31). Riches, to me, this parable, doesn't apply to people who are billionaires and it's not about that. It is speaking to the riches and abundance we have in popular vote, with our peers, in the riches of job security and health, in power, and also, in finances. Sometimes, to do the right thing, or to be a person who is willing to have integrity, one must be willing to let these riches be a sacrifice unto God. People, others, affect our ability to have any abundance or riches of any kind, so when there are those who are willing to stand for the truth and what's right, it often means going against the tide, against the grain, and to be willing that possible consequences of falling out with persons who will directly impact our lives, for the sake of following Christ, or if you prefer, as a non-christian, for the sake of the fear of God.

"If you knew me..."

John 8:19: Then said they to him, Where is your Father? Jesus answered, You neither know me, nor my Father: if you had known me, you should have known my Father also.

John 4:10: Jesus answered and said to her, If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that said to you, Give me to drink; you would have asked of him, and he would have given you living water.

While looking up some of these verses I also came across the Parable of The Rich Man and Lazarus. The parable is that, if people will not even heed the law of Moses and the scribes, even witnessing someone raised from the dead will not change their minds.

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