Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sainthood & Sleeping On The Floor

I haven't watched morning news in awhile but turned it on today. News about making a pope a saint and citing he slept on the floor as an act of self-denial.

I perked up. What?! Really?! There may be hope for me yet.

I don't know that anyone has been cured by my prayers though. And if he had a temper, well, mine would be worse I'm sure.

But no, that might be something many people from different cultures can relate to...Sometimes depriving oneself of certain comforts for a purpose.

My bed was set up in another room but I choose to sleep on the floor as long as my son is not with me and I know he is suffering.

It is a reminder to me, of what he is going through, and a symbol, for me, which probably has other meaning too. But I feel it's right.

I read about Osama bin Ladin having his family sleep in pits on one occasion, which sounds terrible, and then about the Russian royal family taking cold showers to toughen them up so they weren't lazy, and I understand, doing small things in either a symbolic act, or an act of self-denial to try to create endurance or strength, and to serve as a reminder to problems in the world.

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