Sunday, January 31, 2010

Some Of The Things Visitation Monitors Have Done

This will be a post about some of the things visitation monitors have done, themselves, during visits, or things they've instructed my son to do.

For starters, the last visit Michelle Erickson monitored, she told my son to "give Mama your booger." He looked at her and she said, "Remember? Show Mama your booger." She had told my son to save a booger and give it to me. My son did, innocently, and Michelle started laughing. I said, like a normal person would, "Honey, lets get a kleenex okay?" Michelle knew my son had a booger, and how he procured it I've no doubt she might have suggested this to him, and then knowing he had this, she TOLD him to "save" it and give it to me.

When my son was acting out what seemed to be sexual abuse by trying to french kiss me, lying on top of me, Michelle and Sue laughed out loud about it and exchanged looks, not that they were concerned as I was, but they thought it was something to smirk about.

The monitors regularly witnessed bruises which were abnormal, abnormal cuts on my son's fingers, a slice off of my son's face, and burn marks, and they either refused to write these things down or they dismissed it as normal and refused to do any proper documentation.

Michelle sneered at me on one occasion, telling me triumphantly that the police would not do anything about it, but I could go ahead and try but look at what happened last time I tried. She then, a few weeks later, told me she and the state workers could and WOULD put me on medication and would get a court order for it. After this, at the last visit she came barging into the room unnecessarily, which she's done in the past, to try to interrupt and provoke distress.

I was told by one monitor to choose a side, a gang affiliation, because it would be "in the best interests of your son." Then this new monitor, Anne, has made a similiar message and at every visit hands me some object with a phrase or message on it. My Dad said to me once "It's a new day" and ever since, people in Wenatchee have been saying this to me, and then Anne decided to dress in all red and green and then held two pens in her hand--one red and one green, and then gave me the green one which said, "It's a new stay." Anne has come into visits wearing the colors of whoever's "on top" and I have figured out several things about where some of it is coming from.

The first time she sat in on a visit, was right after I said I was going to get an investigation going, and then Sue came in and Anne came in with one wearing solid red and the other blue, and then the people out in the waiting room were all wearing red and blue.

It's been a game between men and former boyfriends, and every single time I go to the visitation room, the room is not straightened up like normal with things put away, every single visit, someone is laying out different objects which have been associated with a person or a gang. It's not like there are just a few things out of place randomly, as would be expected.

If it's an "Alvaro" day, they prop up the stuffed monkey, leave little cards with "A" all over the room, and put things out about the number 4 (which I can only figure is associated with his email address which contains this number), and have hispanic books there that were not there before. Then, my son goes about like he's been brainwashed to choose anything that's about "4" or blue. Or anything about construction trucks or vehicles. Then in my son's lunch, my aunt or uncle packed blueberry yogurt and a ham sandwich, and they switch what they put in even his lunch to match what is displayed in the room.

It's like my son gets programmed before the visits to select certain things and have his memory triggered. I said something to him about Sonia and instead of replying it was like a light went on and he straightened up and walked straight over to the yellow helicopter. When he told me he'd killed a spider, he smashed his fist down and said "With my fist!" and yet he couldn't tell me where the spider had been, where it was that he had "killed it". My son will hear one thing and then go to it like he's been brainwashed to, and then he's all over the place, sometimes not making sense.

Then, it's not just an "Alvaro" day, which the monitors (all of them) will dress up for accordingly, they have their days for when I stayed with one housemate or the other and someone will set things up a certain way.

I'll go into more definite descriptors.

At the Wenatchee Valley Medical center I was told to "Pick A or B!" In the visits, these monitors have said the same thing--pick a "side". When I was in Bainbridge Island, same thing, pick A or B.

Then there have been many, many, military and other "kinds" of operatives involved with me and/or my son, and they've all been going along with it, which is why I believe, if no one from the U.S. is helping or doing anything about this, it's coming from a larger organization which is using gangs (mafia/mob) as a cover.

Probably, most people think it's just their own community gang stuff, while only a few really know where it's coming from. I think, when I see so many military involved in my life, if no one is going to investigate and help my son, people in my own government are in on it and probably started it. Which, if true, would explain why I kept getting threats and how certain planes and helis were able to get uncommon clearance to fly in areas other civilians wouldn't be allowed to fly in, and why there is an effort to get dissinformation out there. It would explain why people on the East Coast seemed to know about things and believed me, and why I was visited by so many doctors, neurologists, and psychologists, as well as high ranking military. I was being sized up.

In the meantime, I had people alterately trying to frame me to go to jail for decades and then telling me my son needed my protection.

I KNOW my son needs my protection, and obviously, now I can see WHY. But WHO is helping me with that??? One minute I'm being set up to go to jail and the next I'm told "Go back to Wenatchee, your son needs your protection"? I had several people come out of the woodwork to play disturbing calls where I could hear my son in distress on the other end, and there were a lot of people who knew he needed protection.

So I come back to Wenatchee as soon as my health permitted, and I see that he needs protection, but no one who is decent or honorable in the U.S., who is from outside of this area, will step in and get involved.

Instead, my own lawyer and all the people here gang together to BLOCK me from getting my son back, from documenting abuse, the contents of our visits, and even from documenting how corrupt they all are.

When I separated from my ex, people in the state offices withdrew everything and tried to, essentially, punish me. They claimed I was nuts again, went from saying they were doing a 20 hour psych eval to a 3 hour one, strung me along and delayed on increasing visitation, started lying more in the visit notes, brought a security guard in again and claimed he needed to stay, and my public defenders decided to do nothing to help me, at ALL.

I guess the big money pot went away in May and Wenatchee decided they could stick it to me ever since.

Or they figured it would just be easier now, with him out of the way. Now they could screw me over and it would be cake.

As for state officials and federal officials, in this area at least, I was punished by being jerked around on housing, on my unemployment claim, and told and I had the CIA on my ass in Seattle. Or, highly, highly, intelligenct people approaching me telling me there was a CIA branch in the town and that they DID do domestic work. My ex told me he worked with the...

I'll leave that alone for now.

Many of the people I've been dealing with in the last couple of years have been connected, and I'm about to get into more details, but I'll leave it alone for now.

I got sidetracked, as I was thinking about all the shitty games the state has played with my case, and just the trash I get in the visits, and my own defense attorney told me he didn't even want to meet my son. Some zealous defender. That guy goes out of the country and I just want to know where and who he was meeting up with there. Then one of the other workers says her kids, at least one of them, works for the Department of Defense and then says it's not true.

I want my son.

I hope most of these people I've talked about, especially with what's happening in this state, have been bugged and wire-tapped.

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