Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Strange Problems With TV?

I am trying to figure out why I am having these strange problems with my t.v., which do not occur on the t.v. upstairs as far as I know, and which happened on the East Coast a few times while I was pregnent.

It's when the screen suddenly gets really patchy and looks computerized in little squares, like very large atari or something. I don't know how to explain it. It doesn't totally go out or turn off but gets about 1/2 to 1/4 or so of the screen will suddenly look like a blurry puzzle of squares or computerized and then it goes back to normal and then the patch comes back and then it goes back to normal.

It happened on the East Coast, when I stayed at this one apartment which had a very nice skyline and was across from the pentagon. Once, I was pregnant, and I raised my head from the couch where I was napping, just as a large military type of helicopter was hovering right outside of my window. Not kidding and I don't even know how they got that kind of air clearance, to be that close to apartments.

It was one of the times where I "sensed" something coming and looked up just as an aircraft was literally coming up to the window and there was more than one guy and they hovered there for a short time and then I thought it was so annoying, and they were close enough to where I could see them staring directly at me and laughing even, or amused at least, that I just put my head back down. I wasn't asleep. I had been resting only.

But the same patchy kind of thing happened there at that apartment sometimes, in the same way it's happened here and I wonder what causes this? I haven't had it happen, that I can remember, except a very minor glitch maybe, until this last couple of weeks. Actually, maybe since I've been here, but more often more recently. I usually have the t.v. off so I wouldn't have been able to tell if something was affecting things.

I guess, hmm, for the record, I could list all of the times I've had very close appearances made by military, near my house or premises. Once, I don't know if it was military but I don't know who else could get clearance like that.

The first time, that I can recall, was when my son and I were having the major health problems which I couldn't figure out the source of. One day, I walked outside with my son to put him in the car, and there was a military or that style of helicopter, probably the distance of...I don't know, half of a tennis court, away from me and my son. In an orchard, on private property. It was totally bizarre. I only remember seeing one man that time and it felt very harassing.

The second time something happened that close, was in Arlington, VA, after I had blogged or talked about being pregnant. Which I never should have done, but then again maybe it saved my life in the long run. But I was in that apartment on the top levels and the helicopter out of the blue, very close to the window. I couldn't hear it when I raised my head, but then they got closer and I just laid down again.

In Seattle, the very low-flying jet soars over the buildings as this woman is telling me I'm in trouble and to get in her car. She pointed to jet and said, "Do you see that? Are you getting in or not?!" thereafter, she who said there was something 'funny' in my bag, was right, as I found a key which had been stolen out of a jacket pocket that I had.

In Wenatchee, no low flying planes. A few times, an airplane out of the blue after I've been staring into the mountains, sensing something I guess, and then the frickin' plane turns on its lights and takes off. Once after a hearing where I lost a lot and got nothing done, a blue, white, and yellow helicopter followed the car of the lawyer I was with, down the hill. Just went very very slowly. And then tonight, no big deal. A military helicopter went by above me, but that's normal range, in my opinion. It's normal that aircraft are flying above us, but not normal when aircraft is following you, or hovering a few feet away, or being pointed out as a sign of "you're in danger". I have no idea how anyone in Seattle could get clearance to fly that low and in that location unless it was, honestly, government. I cannot imagine anyone in some random private air tower could give anyone clearance to just randomly do that.

And that was, of course, when I had the guys stalling on the ambulance getting to me and then people trying to deny anyone did anything to me or tried to poison me. I got back to Wenatchee and found the same discoloration of skin, the melanin deregulation had not only happened to me, but to him at the same time, even though we were in different locations, someone wanted to make a point about something.

Then, I've had odd cell phone interferences, problems sometimes with even getting numbers through phone services, and things which I got witnesses for and documented more recently, this time around. In addition, the odd t.v. problems with patchy problems when it's not the t.v. at all, and the t.v. is fine, but it's picking up some kind of interference but I have no idea what could cause this.

It happened in D.C., it happened at the last places I stayed at but very minimally or I didn't notice very much because I wasn't always watching, but someone else who did watch a lot of t.v., it hardly ever happened there, but it did show up once or twice. Very rare though. Then here, pretty much anytime I've turned the t.v. on.

Since I blogged about it, not quite as much for some reason.

Also, my computer was totally overheating and overworking again and that quit after I blogged this post. It's not happening at all now and when it is happening, it actually affects my body. I am sure the right people know why.

I just noticed, it can affect the entire screen I guess because it happened a bit ago.

Everything has improved and abated. No problems at all. Thanks whoever. I don't know if it's that someone who is doing this just decides to quit because they don't want to be caught or they change their minds, or someone else finds out and puts a stop to it. I don't know. Maybe it can be tracked somehow and someone doesn't want to be caught.

This very interesting blond woman who was at a cafe in Bainbridge Island certaintly made some exciting discoveries with me. Didn't we darling?

Anyway, there is so much I could say and yet I choose not to and instead hope in return for being so kind, uncommonly generous, in fact, I will see my visitation increased with my son. I'm sure the blond and her team can afford to have an influence in my favor if influence is required.

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