Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Thoughts While Praying

I was walking and started praying silently in my mind. I prayed for my son, and this was instant connection. Then I tried praying for a few others and didn't feel it at all. No connection. So I prayed to know if there was anything to come to mind and I asked God if it was possible the Tancer family would ever become sincere believers, not going to church necessarily, but christians. I don't have any idea why that came to my mind at all but it did and I didn't have an answer at all but it didn't feel like an outright no either. Usually, people do not convert if they haven't by the age of 18. I meet tons of christians all the time, who don't act like they are or aren't really and it's just show so that's not what I had in mind. Maybe I had in mind more of a deep spiritual awakening of some kind, something powerful and unique. But I don't know why it came to my mind.

The next thing that came to my mind was Prince Harry. I couldn't come up with anything except to pray he and his gf bring eachother up and not down. Then I got to William and this word popped to mind "Raffles". But I thought it meant, like a raffle. Or a bunch of raffles so I wondered if he was being entered into, or participating in some kind of raffle and then I thought, no, I think maybe I read Harry went to a nightclub called "Ruffles". But raffle or raffles it was and it was something meaningful for here and now, so I went with it and typed it in and all I could come up with was yes, a nightclub called "Raffles." I don't know if he was planning to go there soon or talking about it or if something important happened theere. For all I know, there is some kind of raffle as well.

Then, for good measure, I thought, "Well now, what about Nic?" and "bearded" came to mind. Hahaa.

I talked to a woman later this evening who asked me to think about Nic and say what came to mind. I think it's possible the woman's name "christina" came to mind bc I might have skimmed an article about the recent lawsuits, and possibly something about a terranium bc I may have come across this randomly, but here is what I got, and the rest I really did not know:
danger, baby, Angie, Christina, glass ashtray with more than one man sitting back, watching and directing (suits), snorkeling, bodyguards, pigeons, Paradise (thought ali baba? didn't know why this), driving to mountains, U2 song "miami, new orleans, london, belfast, and berlin" (woman told me he's filming in New Orleans now and is wearing a full beard, so I got these right somehow but had no idea), "can she make a cherry pie, billy boy--the nursery rhyme", Alaska, terranium, everclear, and jazz.

I figured if I ended up being right about so much with Nic, maybe I was right there was something abuot raffles but she thought it's best not to write about any of this bc others won't understand. I don't know else I'd get the msg across though, if they wanted to know. So I don't know. I know that after I wrote something about raffles, a couple of kate middleton look a likes showed up, with jackets that said "butlers" on the back or other things like "maid" or whatever. This is such a nutty thing going on in this town. People think they know what's going with my life too, but it's not always what it may seem to be. One person's "turquoise" is another person's "jade". What someone thinks I may have in mind could be something completely different. But, it was good for me, to hear some confirmation so I know whether to trust what I get or not. Some of it is so general, but I am trying. I don't know what the point is yet but I'm trying to understand it and do the best with what I've got.

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