Sunday, January 17, 2010

UK/US Music & Dreams

I think lastfm was bought out by an American group but I still don't know who their djs are. I had so many weird things happen with this music group that I quit listening to them but I decided to give it a try again today. I just typed in jazz and the first song I got was "Goodbye Pork Pie Hat." Some of the other songs were really good but I just decided then and there that I would continue playing my own music, choosing my own songs, according to my tastes. I might try listening to it later.

I dreamed last night and woke up with only one word. It was some kind of English town word or something that could be used for both a regular word and a town but I forgot it. I don't remember any of my dreams at all and for the first time in the last few days, I slept without waking in the night.

I went for a walk with the dog this morning but it was too slushy. It snowed, but the ground was already thawing and very muddy and with the new slow, which was slushy, it was just slush over mud.

The dog is really good. I mean, a real pal. Smart too. Almost always, we run down at the end, cutting through brush off the path and I told her today, because it was muddy, I said "We have to go slow now" and it was like the dog spoke the same language. I said to her, "I didn't know you knew this much English!" Instead of bounding and pulling away, as usual, she completely followed my instructions like, I am serious, like she and I spoke the same language. She stayed right by my side, and wouldn't go that far ahead, and I had done nothing different except to warn her about what we had to do next, not thinking she would fully know. But she DID! I swear, sometimes I think this dog is just sort of old, and other times we read eachother's minds. Yeah, the first thing I wanted when I got back was water too. I looked at her and said, no just kidding! But I am in sync with this dog. It's really weird. I don't know if she's just a really good dog or I'm a good animal type or there's some other connection. The animal-human energy. She does whatever I want, most of the time, and senses my moods and where we need to go next. I even said to her, "I need to find..." and she knew what I was talking about. Last night she went downstairs with me by the fire even though her doggie bed is upstairs and laid next to me, so I gave her a blanket and a pillow. I thought she might like to lean up against the pillow, not put her head on it, but I ended up getting tired and laid down next to the dog with MY head on the pillow and then I had to wake myself up and go to bed and she went to her doggy bed.

Oh yeah but as for what she knows, if she's standing there, looking at deer, she might be completely standing still and the minute I say, "Okay Misty, go get 'em!" she tears off after them. We weren't terrorizing the deer at all, they were too far off, but I let her have some fun. She knows what I'm saying! I was really surprised though, with the way she knew to go slow when I said to go slow.

The only other problem we had while walking was that my hair kept falling out of a tight knot, which I twisted up and secured with a paintbrush through the middle, like a chopstick. It kept falling, and the way was slushy, so we did't spend tons of time outside today. It was fun though and the whole town was quiet and no one was up there.

I then made a chicken & wild rice soup, and doctored it up impromtu. My favorite kind of cooking is experimental cooking and just trying random things together. It worked out, my timing, ended up being perfect. I didn't have any bread but can use things the last roommate left over so I found a bread mix too. I was really surprised at how I got the timing right.

As I was sauteeing or sort of crisping chicken in the cast iron skillet, in olive oil, I had the wild rice, long grain, going in the other saucepan. I added some of the juice to the rice and then as that was going, I mixed and kneaded the dough and put it in a warm oven (off) to rise.

I added the rice to the chicken at some point, along with a campbell's chicken and mushroom soup for a sort of stock, and then used more salt and pepper and I was thinking about thyme and decided no, just marjoram. A tsp. of sugar, and I sort of want to add something spicy but I couldn't decide. Maybe ginger or maybe a chili or small piece of one. I don't know. So far, I just have marjoram and left it all to simmer. I also added a little celery, minced and the crunchy texture (al dente) with the celery is perfect! I think I could have done something more with the way I did the chicken though, because it's sort of bland, the chicken itself, like I should have maybe cooked it up gradually in the mushroom and chicken stock instead so it could absorb the flavors. I sort of think, since I used marjoram, maybe a pinch of ginger would be good. I don't know. I love spicy chicken soup, but with all the veggies, carrots and cabbage and everything.

I was trying to play jazz on the tv while I cooked, with my candle going, but one of my housemates, who apparently goes out of his way to be a pain, changed my station, knowing I was listening to this. So I got my computer out and played what came to mind which was "Summertime". This morning I sang "Don't Get Me Wrong" while I walked the dog and then I had that "Wouldn't it be loverly" song in my head for a minute out of nowhere but I didn't sing it...just the part about "lots of chocolate for me to ate..." that part. I typed in "summertime" and I wanted ella fitzgerald's interpretation so I chose the first one that came up:

I might try to think of random songs again today or ideas or images and I don't know if anyone wants to try to send me a telepathic thought of what to select, and that other day, I certaintly felt this was happening, but if you would like to try, if you're reading, try! I wonder if I might pick up what is being sent my direction.

Hmmm, back to the chicken soup. It's still bland to me. I added ginger but maybe it needs a little cloves? I know thyme goes well but I didn't feel like adding it and I like thyme especially with pork dishes more than anything. I was just hiking up in the hills and rubbing sagebrush between my fingers for the scent and I wonder if a small bit of sage, but I don't know if that would work with cloves. I think anything, almost, goes with chicken, but adding the wild rice changes things up a little. I think having the wild rice is what makes a difference. I think I just feel like eating a seafood paella is what I want, with a curry sauce or tomato base and that's why I'm not happy with the more country french style soup.

It's weird how some spice combos just don't work together right. Sometimes, I think, add a pinch of this, and it will bring out more flavor but some spices seem to cancel eachother out.

Okay, trying to be open to think of a song or word to mind...not that it's "from God" by any means...

Hmm, still thinking about food. It's the rice. The rice has determined what I can do with this dish. Different rices are better for different things, ...oh hey! I just looked up chicken, wild rice, and tomato together and chicken caccitore came up and it's a hunter's soup. So it can be done! I keep wanting to add tomato to this, like make it a more tomato base, but I don't have any tomatos. If I could add tomatos and fresh mushrooms and maybe some garlic to what I've already done, I think it would be good. I think I could still add a little ginger too. I don't know about cloves. I like using cayenne in my regualar chicken soups, that and fresh chilis. Right now all there is is chili powder and that won't work. I think I would like this more as a french country chicken soup if I had more mushrooms, onions, and a little white wine. It needs wine.

"Damaged" came to mind. First, the word "detrimental" and there is a band but I had a hard time hearing what they were saying. I played "detrimental's song 3" from 2004 battle of the bands. Then "damaged" from the "My heart is damaged" song. I sense pretty good energy right now. Very strong and positive or lots of prayers because maybe something isn't right? I don't know, I feel the prayers. 2:27 pm. Seems like really strong energy where I felt nothing for awhile.

I decided to play the first "damaged" song which came up, which was by plumb, and then I'll listen to the dannity kane one: This one by plumb is good.

Haha. The one I got is with the chipmunks: Totally makes me laugh.

Then the other housemate, different person came in and said, "you are a messy cook!" and I said "Yeah, and I'm still cooking! I'm making bread now, but then I'll clean up" and he said okay. I have been laughing, thinking about what in the world he thought. He walks in, from outside, and I have this chipmunk song on and a cooking mess. Haha. "Disturbia" by the chipmunks. But I like it! It still rocks.

I put the bread in the oven. I was going to make rolls but I can't find a cookie sheet anywhere. Maybe downstairs there's one and I didn't think about it. So I found a breadpan and I put the dough in this to make bread instead of rolls.
Mona Lisa by Nat King Cole. I don't know, it came to mind. This is one I'll always remember for flubbing up at a retirement home. All those nice old ladies and gentlemen! I forgot the words after my Dad had said to practice. I didn't think I needed to practice at all and then all of a sudden, with my nerves, a mind blank and I was running over for the lyrics.

There is no better place to sing than a retirement home. Everyone is so nice and thankful for the music and we did sing-a-longs. It was nice.
The name "estelle" came up but not for a song, just in connection with my son I think.

A song I've played a lot recently has come to mind, Here I Am To Worship again.

I guess I'm not in the mood today. I'm just playing "Here I am to Worship" over and over. Feel like listening to worship music today. Peter came to mind so maybe I need to read something from the book of Peter.

I'm very upset that there is no visit with my son tomorrow, because this hurts him the most. The state is not thinking of my son at all. They don't care what happens to my son and they've proven this over and over. At the last visit, I gave my son a sucker and it was green and he whispered in my ear and said, "Next time bring a red one! okay?!"(I don't know if someone gave him this idea or not) and is always, always looking forward to the next time and it's very wrong they are using "federal holidays" (of all things) as excuses for my son not to see me and not even making it up to him. I want these people held accountable for what they've done, and are doing, to my son.
The song "Sacred" by Kate Miner came to mind but it's not on youtube. It's one of my favorite songs and I had the CD but someone broke into my house and stole it. That CD and one where I sing back-up for someone, and that was it. Nothing else was stolen. But I love that song, and it came to mind and I want to share it if I can. Maybe I can find it someplace else online. I don't know. Oh, I forgot. The CD is "Sacred" and the song I love is "Wedding Feast Of The Lamb". I just looked her up and found she's released a CD called "Kate Miner Songs" and it was released on my birthday. :) I really loved that CD and especially this one song. Here it is, the sacred CD was released 1/1/1995. This is the site: (or, a site). The other songs from this album that I remember are "I Will Not Move" and "Resurrect My Eyes".

The link to Kate Miner radio on lastfm:

I really like this song...forgot about it! Kathryn Scott singing "Hungry (falling on my knees)"
Redman--Heart of Worship
Townsend--The Lord Is My Shepherd (psalm 23)

I got a lot of small things done while listening, and then one of my favorite songs came on: Agnes Dei, Darlene Zschech.

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