Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Unbelievable Level Of Harassment Today--License #s

I have experienced an amazing amount of harassment today.

Sue, the other monitor, is not there and my son doesn't like this other woman at all. Which says something to me. Yeah, I had my own concerns about Sue, and she wasn't always honest, but she was good to my son, and I'm getting the impression that this new monitor is not. My son doesn't even want to be around her.

This monitor, Anne, was today wearing green and red where last time she was also wearing green and red. I guess she's with the "green and red" team. Once, when she first showed up, one of the monitors wore red and the other one wore blue. Then the next time I went for a visit, the state workers inside the office did the same thing. She had a bag with her that faced me saying "MENTOR" and had a list of words for inspiring others. I'm sure it was a coincidence, but if I ever inspired someone in any way, they wouldn't keep dressing up and trying to send non-verbal or thinly veiled messages. You know what I would have liked to see? I would have enjoyed seeing a normal room without all the symbolic shit, and normal people wearing what they feel like wearing, in whatever color they want to use.

The visitation room was set up again, with symbolic gang shit all over the place. Anne was fully aware of it. They all are, and they all know what's going on. My son freaked out about some things and the odor of his breath was very very strange. I have never smelled anything like that before, it smelled like something burnt was coming from his mouth. It was very bizarre. It smelled like something was burning in his tummy and then coming up through an odor in his mouth, or like a perm solution. It was an extremely odd odor. So I wondered if someone had put my son on some kind of different medication because it is not normal at all. I also wondered if my son is going through something else. He had circles underneath his eyes and rubbed his eyes again, saying that they hurt.

He was so happy to see me and no marks visibly on his body, but he was acting out other kinds of trauma and brainwashing as well. "S" has come to represent "state" and this monitor Anne, left this behind as she left. Or possibly, "Steve" and this is just being passed on by who I end up staying with. What is it? Someone gets access to my son if they "give" me a place to live?

In general, I wanted to say my son seemed better than ever. He really seemed to be okay at first, but then it got weirder and weirder.

My son was sounding like a Gary Goldsmith, saying "Oy!" all the time. Oye this and Oye that. That was one of the brainwashing things I noticed. All he'd say over and over was "Oye."

In the meantime, I still have extremely bizarre things happening with my computer. Not just with the most bizarre ads through google, but also now with yahoo pop-ups. This is so bizarre it's not even funny.

Other than "oye", there was nothing else strange that I felt someone directed my son to say to me. He acted normal in other regards. But he freaked out about having his hands washed which he's never done before, and this monitor Anne, was a real pain and sort of set him off, by saying he couldn't go with his mother into the bathroom stall.

I noticed there were small hickey or other kind of marks on his neck like maybe a child grabbed him too hard. I questioned why this woman didn't want my son to go into the bathroom with me? Why? Because she was afraid I might photograph the scar of the burn my son still has on one of his hands?

It's like someone really tried to look out for my son but someone else got to him anyway. I saw this woman walking torwards me, in British army gear today. Not one "troop" from the U.S., but I guess that was to represent there was one person from the UK.

On the other hand, a lot of fuckers with European ties have been on my ass as well. But she didn't look happy to be out there, walking along and yet there was no reason for her to be out there, unless it was because someone ordered her to, or she did of her own accord, to send a different kind of message. I don't know if it's one of support.

Hell. Send the British legion if the U.S. isn't going to take care of their own. Either that, or it was just someone making fun again. And I am starting to think maybe UK just stands for "red" and US just stands for "blues". I have no idea. The activity in this town is absolutely bizarre. That's my word for the day--bizarre.

I have felt a good sense of energy until I was in the visit with my son. All of a sudden, I sensed a horrible dread and heaviness. Not that it was a negative vibe or definitely not dangerous, but just the whole time, even though the visit was even fine at first, something else was going on that affected someone out there.

So, this is definitely something to note and look up, anyone who is interested in investigating...I got two license plates of men who waited for me to leave the office so they could drive by me very slowly and sneer, and one from tinted glass. I got both of the fuckers license plates--I remembered two letter/number combos off the top of my head and wrote them down right away. Then some other guy came around the corner and he didn't harass me at all and looked nervous as shit. I didn't know if he was just sort of investigating too and was shocked by what he was seeing, or if he was scared to death when he realized I got their plates. These were middle aged men. They were driving alone with no one else in the cars with them.

512 SWN...Minivan, and 621 XFZ Subaru. The Subaru was the one with tinted glass.

Then, I kept my paper out as I started seeing more cars go by and pass me, one after the other with UFT or UFD or TMI (tons of these) and I've been seeing a new combination which has me perplexed. I got number after number after number (or letters) which were with WSX. Why so many "WSX"? I have no idea what that como is supposed to imply but TONS of "WSX". Probably in the last few days.

Yesterday there were a TON of cars with "SWN"--at least 20 yesterday,and then I saw a ton of vehicles with "TMI", "WSX" and also "URQ" and "UFT" if not "UFD". Oh, a few "WIJ" again too, but only after I passed the foodline and talked to people. I guess the "WIJ" people were instructed to come out of hiding so support the idea I talked to the soupline people. All of it seems like a joke.

It is not imaginary and it is absolutely incredible and I think about the level of time and energy it takes into even doing this and finding people to drive by with these plates, is totally odd.

No, this is not paranoia either, this is the truth, and when I say "a lot" I'm not freaking out about seeing oh maybe 3 plates with the same last prefix or whatever. When I say a lot, I mean at least 10-20 in a short timeframe of maybe one hour or less, usually. Sometimes that many in a 15 minute period.

My opinion? Nuts. But the thing is, is that not everyone is a victim. There are a lot of people who LIKE this and who I can see, are actually deriving a weird pleasure or satisfaction from being a part of it, which really just reminds me of the groupthink of Nazi Germany when a whole nation, almost, goes along with a system or regime that makes a lot of people feel better about themselves in some way, but is really persecutory of others who don't fit in the "way they should". Here though, it's people of every religion. It's something different and I still don't know what. Others, are just appalled. I really, truly, do not see how this mindset is different from what set up the system of the Nazis. They're identical in form and the only difference is that they haven't used their groupthink to round people up to be killed off who they hate, think are "different", or are jealous of, yet.

Do I feel superior? I guess in a small way I do, because I manage to stand alone, in my own conscience, against something I don't believe is right, and I hold myself up against dire and horrible levels of corruption, and have suffered for it and been ostracized and made fun of and pushed out of housing and work, and received death threats and imtimidation and had my son taken from me without cause, and yet I still hold my head up high.

I believe everyone should want to feel as good about themselves, as I do, in being able to hold myself up. That is the ONLY relation I feel whatever torwards "Marilyn Monroe", that phrase from Candle in the Wind about " hold yourself, while those around you crawled." I might have nothing, but I have my own self respect and the respect of God.

I do understand that not everyone might feel like being that brave, and I understand. But if more people took a stand and started bucking this system all at the same time, like I said, there would be an incredible revolution. The problem is that the groupthink is so great it has enslaved a ton of people into thinking and acting in a particular manner and then getting rewarded for it. How are people being rewarded? Oh various means, we all know that.

With Diana, I don't know if she went through anything like this or not. I have no idea.

I am going to think about that some more. Maybe that's why she was a "non-starter"? I don't know.

I feel like, if this is the "civilized" world, give me a 3rd world country or an island with happy normal and even poor natives on it. What is most shocking, is how many religious people go along with this too.

To me, I don't believe anyone should be calling themselves a "christian" if this is what they go along with. How can someone be a "christian" and go with this? It is contrary to natural and godly law. I mean, this is like the days of slavery when some of the most self-righteous people were beating and abusing their slaves and then purporting to be Gods gift to mankind at the same time, singing in the choir, inviting the pastor over for dinner. Hell, the pastor had his own slaves.

The problem is that there are a few who try to fight the corruption but they are probably wondering how in the hell to do it. Do you sort of join 'em to fight it? How in the hell do I really get to who is controlling things at the top? The assholes who, for example, use stupid ads through google or other media to get their messages across. The people who have enough money to plan highly expensive projects to try to totally trash someone or get a huge group of footmen or soldiers or whatever, would-be-normal-people, to orchestrate some huge campaign against a few peopple or for some particular cause. I mean, these people obviously go to the very top. I would be scared to be in the FBI or CIA or police and be one of very very few who is actually really fighting for the good of our country.

Who the HELL could you trust, even in your own group? The corruption is sky-high and when the low-level people know this, this is the only reason they feel enabled to continue their own shit. Because they look at the Goliaths.

I want to know where the David's are.

Where is my David, and I want to be a David, and I want to find a whole group of Davids. And I don't want to see a bunch of new license plates with the acronynm, DVD or DAV either.

I don't know what the solution is because I don't even know what the problem is. I don't know what it's stemming from and where it's coming from entirely. It may be that some people are doing what they within the system, to fight it. I guess? I know, when I see no one helping me with my son, I think, "Well, does someone need to be paid off? Hmm, I wonder if someone might step up and pay someone off for me."

Because it seems that's the only fucking way people do business around here. When my son is physically harmed, I think about how that person would feel if someone went after THEIR kids and physically made them suffer.

It's natural, but I hope to be more of a David than a Saul. Saul also did his good. He did. If it hadn't been for Saul there couldn't have been the path David took. But he was told he wouldn't see his heirs inherit the throne because he had done too much bloodshedding and then yet, ironically, had spared some when God told him to get rid of all of them.

I personally think a lot of people need to lose jobs, who hold their jobs without integrity, and those who have been abused and persecuted for having morals and trying to be fair to others, should take those jobs. I would completely turn the tables over.

I wrote a bunch of plates down but just keeping some things to myself for now.

My son really stalled and delayed leaving, more than ever. It was the hardest time and I wondered if someone was going to have to take him out kicking and screaming. He wants to be with his mother. He knows, just like any good dog knows, they know...My son knows where his bread is buttered, even if his mother doesn't have everything together financially yet. I talk to him about practical things too, like other kids and what to do. He piped up and really started talking about that today. I'll write more later.

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