Friday, January 29, 2010

Unemployment Offices Disaster

I guess they're worried finally. For the first time, today, they were recording their calls with me. They never did this in the past. The unemployment offices, that is. I heard this very loud "bbeeeeeep!" right before someone got on the line to take my call. Both times, and it's never happened before. Before I mentioned the "beep" I think the woman wondered how I knew when I said something about "So why is this the first day your offices have ever bothered to record my calls? when all these other times, when I was given false information or my case was droppped all over the place, there was no recording?"

I could not believe it, because today when I called, the woman said that since August they only have a record of my filing for maybe 6-8 times. I said, "That is NOT right," and when I said something about how the last time I brought up my missing dates that I actually filed, someone told me to call later to request a receipt. So I said, is this what I have to do? and I was told, "No one ever said that". Or something like, "That's not true" and I said, "That's what I was told." Then she said, they only had a record of so many calls and I said how is it that my calls are not going into their computer system? I listen through all the lousy songs they have to play while I wait, and I remember full blown conversations with their people on some of the days I file and when I've filed, I always wait until it says "Your claim has been accepted" and then I hang up.

Supposedly, if you wait until you hear these magic words, your claim goes through into a system and is recorded as filed. I said, "Either it wasn't going through, or someone has gone in and deleted my claims or the records." She said, "No one has deleted your records" and I said, "How do you know? Do you keep an eye on everyone? And can you prove they DIDN'T?"

I know positively I've filed way more than this, at least more than half of the time, and then a few times I was sick or forgot but still looked for work anyway.

So I asked today what the hold up was and I got different answers and then this supervisor put me on "hold" but disconnected me. I stayed "on hold" as I reached across and entered my information into another telephone there. Funny, because when I was already supposed to be on the other line, holding, the other phone had normal music, their normal instrumental elevator crap with messages inbetween. It's when someone registers my social security number, the music gets switched to these bizarre songs.

I asked for an address for making a release of information request. I asked who I make a complaint to, in how my case has been handled. I also asked, "Who the hell is 'Prescott'?" when I was told the guy handling my interstate claim matter went by the ID number of 747 and it was not a Prescott. At least, that's not the name I got.

This hold up has taken 6 months when I could have taken care of business, in their position, in one week.

Apparently, my former boss DID send in a handwritten statement but now they're claiming it's not good enough.?! So he DID try to send something in for me but these state departments are purposefully screwing around with things. And then there was all this talk about "Special Wages" unit and I was asked if I was federal military or a federal civilian. I said I was a normal working waitress and what was going on.

All of the information they went over or questions asked, 99% of it I already went over months ago in August.

Just when it sounds like my hours and wages are sent in though, it was on the same day I got a really big push to apply for disability, which would cancel out my unemployment. I think Michelle Erickson decided to barge in sometime after this was about to come in, and then today I had a massive amount of pressure to apply when I didn't have all my questions answered. I was told, "You may NEVER get any unemployment money." I went in 3 weeks ago and it was like no hurry at all and then today it was a big deal and then I go next door and find out I'm getting much closer to getting unemployment money.

At any rate, I am in this for the long haul. I would really like to think that something could turn around, but it seems, if the state is unwilling to increase visitation, this isn't their intention at all. They've never once demonstrated good faith to me or my son, so I am preparing myself for many more years of dealing with them, in court. Of course, it could turn around, but I would be so shocked at this point, I think that's how I might die, of a heart attack from surprise.

I need to see the visitation notes that are recent, because I have a feeling there are more lies. My son doesn't even like her, even though last time she tried to act nicer torwards him, he can read people. Sue lied, a LOT, but she must have at least been good to my son. This new one might be lying and also not be very good with my son, and I've been concerned by more gang pressure she's laid on me, but this time it's been done without it being said out loud. I'll bet they switched Sue out because they worried that since she verbalized something, she might be caught, and so they brought in someone new. I would have to see her notes, but I already have a feeling by the other messages she's been giving me and so, before even seeing the notes, I feel like I know.

And really, if it comes down to people lying, if this other one is doing the same, I'll take the liar my son prefers at least.

I think my own lawyer doesn't want to be there, partly out of guilt and partly because he knows if he's surrounded by the symbolic crap my son and I have to deal with, he's complicit, not that he hasn't been already. I need audio taping to keep the record straight of how my son and I interact, and then my own personal friend or advocate to be able to sit in and witness what I witness, on my own behalf. The state has their person, and I need my person.

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