Saturday, January 30, 2010

Use Of Children In U.S. Experiments (real documentation)

Here is a clip about the use of children in government funded experiments. This woman's account details what happened to her all the way up until the 80s. It is her testimony before a committee in Washington D.C. It's difficult to hear, my volume isn't very good, but this is the true testimony of a woman who was subjected to abuse for the purpose of experiments, for over 3 decades until the 80s, and yet people thought these programs were quit in the 60s or 70s. They weren't.

Here is another clip about programs the U.S. had (and has still) using children to purposefully create personality problems in children. They caused children to be separated from parents, raped intentionally before the age of 3, to witness violence against humans and animals, in order to break down the child and vulnerable to dissosiation so they are easily brainwashed and easy to hypnotize or control through mind control. The CIA and U.S. then determined they would use these individuals for assassination work, or try to see if they could be trained for sexual blackmail or a number of other "careers" where feelings and emotions were not desired or wanted to get in the way. President Clinton apologized for some of these programs publicy in 1993 or 1995. However, while then they were using former Nazi doctors on U.S. citizens and clearing them of any crime, now they have a new generation os willing physicians and "workers". Documentation for all these studies exists:

You wonder why, with all the pleading I've made, for help for my son, no one in the U.S. is doing anything. After seeing some of these clips and reading studies, you start to realize, it's because no one in the U.S. government cares, and if anything, they are directly involved and contributing. Why have such great lengths been gone to, to control this case and then to force people to allow access to my son? What looks like gang involvement is very likely also connected directly to the U.S. military, CIA or DOD. There is a long history of the two working for eachother, and covering for eachother, and no one has done one thing to even remove the blocks which keep me from being able to objectively document what is happening to my son, and how he is demonstrating brainwashing in our visits, comes in with evidence of abuse, and how these state workers have gone along to conceal this crime and have even smirked and joined in the mind games themselves, maybe, from their naive perspective, thinking it only relates to their group or gang, and not even having a clue as to where this originating from or who is blocking and controlling this process. My son has been subjected to countless forms of abuse and my aunt and uncle just go along with it and yet they probably do not even "get it". These people know that if my son is with me, he is at least safe enough to where I would not allow anyone access to do these things.

They will use and abuse my son and then just turn around and try to have him adopted out altogether when they're done.

I have a LOT of information about U.S. military to divulge shortly. The only reason I have withheld is out of respect for the safety of others, and yet no one is interested enough in the safety or wishes of my son.

I was even willing to be diagnosed however anyone wanted, just in return for time with my son, increased visitation and to see good faith or see SOME semblance of a defense, but my public defender can't manage to do anything.

I am to the point where I have very little incentive for keeping my mouth shut about anything anymore, and that would mean pointing a finger at many people in the military who may also be in gangs, but military for sure, and CIA as well, along with a special sniper.

You just let me know how many "covers" you want to sacrifice over depriving a mother and son from their reunion. If I were you, or anyone important at all, I would start making some phone calls. I'm sure that if someone is able to pull strings to organize better handling of me and my case if I'm with Alvaro, they can do the same thing if I'm not with him. I'm also sure that whoever is influencing how blocked this case is, can also get in there and start immediately influencing how this opens up.

It's one mother and son, or many, many, military and people with covers, who will be exposed. It would probably be an issue. You have the money, the resources, and the ability, and it's how you choose to use it. My son has been a hostage, frankly, as have I, and while I have been very worried about and sympathetic torwards others, I am only thinking about my son now, when I have been given no hope. If you want to jeopardize all these other people and their positions, and see how many people would lose faith, on a number of levels, I would figure out a way to work together and no, you are not going to kill me. You are going to unlock the doors and quit abusing my son. You are not going to use me for your own purposes, you are not going to try to frame me, you are not going to try to discredit me further or try to put me on mind-altering and dumbing drugs. You are going to do what I say, because if you don't, I have no interest in anyone else's safety. My son is not going to be sacrificed, for you.

I'm wondering if I should start calling the new visitation monitor "Jane Goodall". Or both of them possibly. Anne is new and was trained by Sue when there are 3 different visitation monitor groups with at least 2-3 dozen willing monitors, but the controls on who is involved in this case with my son have been extremely tight and rigid.

The people involved have been handpicked and then no one else allowed to get involved, unless that person is trusted and then trained and brought in new.

Michelle lied about no one else wanting to monitor the visits because I called all the different agencies and I also found out she lied about the number of people available at the agency Sue was from. I did my own work and discovered there were many monitors willing to watch the visits, but Michelle and her supervisors have wanted this to go to specific hands.

I'm going to write more about what kinds of things these monitors are writing down too, and what it is they feel is so important. Not only are a lot of things distorted in the interactions between us, with the visitation notes, but these monitors have been quick to write down specific things about which color of crayon my son uses first, which book he chooses out of a bunch, what phrases are uttered, and then they not only put this information into state computer databases, the information gets disseminated all over town.

And yet, they cannot bear to have audio recording of what is actually being said.

I should describe the kind of "symbolic" crap they set the room up with each time too.

At any rate, while looking up remote viewing, I came across mind control clips and information and then I found some things about the ways children have been and are being used in experiments.

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