Monday, January 25, 2010

Vibe Today

Everything felt fine this morning, energy wise. I finally went to sleep and woke up and everything seemed okay. Even the whole first part of my visit with my son, but then, even though the visit with my son kept getting better and better, the sad and heavy vibe came up.

It wasn't my son. My son and I were happy. It was something else and it began about halfway through the visit, and then it got so sad I almost actually got tears in my eyes later, after my visit. So I have no idea what that's about. I am wondering if the hostages, something happened to them, or what.

My son looked really good, still tired and had the circles, which showed up when he looked worried about me, but was in really good shape and looked good in general. I need to write about both last visit and this one because both were good. And then I skipped over one a few weeks ago, and now all I can remember, is that at one point he said, "I want to be a King" and sat in the rocking chair (his throne) and when I said, "Your Majesty, what would you like?" he said, "Please bring me a taco." He said, "In paper, like this" and so I pretended to have a taco made for him and presented it to him and said, "Here you go, Your Majesty, one royal taco."
Now I feel the good energy. Maybe talking about my son. It feels better almost right after I wrote this.

So that was all I remember about that visit, bc I was worried about the burn on his hand, but if I see the visitation notes, I will remember the rest, being refreshed. I just remember that part because it was funny. That his first request was for a taco.

But the visit last week and this week were both good. I only worried about the scent on my son's breath and about an expression he kept using, which I felt someone put in his mind maybe. As for having a good time, we did, and we had fun, and I'll write about this visit first.

I was really happy to see how well he looked today, and actually last visit he probably looked similiar, it was just the smell and then he sort of acted out a little. It was better than some times though.

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