Saturday, January 9, 2010

W magazine coincidence (joking) & then literal telekinesis?

Oh, how funny! haha. I went to the fireplace to burn a little fire and there, sticking out prominently, was a little postcard for a subscription to "W" magazine. It said "uncensored fashion" and I thought it was so funny, I think mainly because the people that live here don't even know about that magazine or have any issues lying around. What a coincidence!

So funny, since I just made a blog post today about the fashions I liked from W magazine.

Really, such signs, symbols, and coincidences all the time! WOW! I'll bet my housemate...who knows...could he be...


It's slightly strange I guess, considering I just used the fireplace the night before and nothing was there. Anyway, no big deal. The only thing I found spooky in any way, was probably how he left this cabinet turned over on the side, and he just left it like that, and it's coffin shaped with legs that look like handles when on the side, and then 6 holes through the cardboard backing which is visible. It's the same shape and size of a coffin so I had to turn it rightside up.

This is totally separate but something to write about since it just happened, but I was looking up a song to play and the first one was shawn colvin's "I don't know why" and I was singing along the first time, no big deal. The second time I was singing along, when I got to the verse that says, "I'm so in love with you", right after I finished this line, I swear I am not delusional or lying, the cord to my computer moved. A lot. It wasn't tangled up either, and then just untangled itself how cords sometimes do, it was lying along the ground, and it moved out to the side. I wasn't focusing on the cord eiher, like trying to do that telekinetic thing either. I am not even joking and I try to be very honest about all the "psychic" stuff. It just happened. I sat up straighter and looked out the window right after that, wondering if it was the energy of someone else nearby! I have never heard of this happening before. I felt very good, no bad energy, and was really focusing on the song and that line in particular and then the cord moved.

Anyway, it is not a sign of delusion, because the other things I've said happened have really happened, like the dreams from that psychic chat and my ability to correctly guess some things. So I know this. Usually though, with telekinesis, I hear people have to focus on an object, at least that's what they usually do in military experiments. This is the clip I was singing along to:

I think I need to find out about what time it was that this happened. I looked up and before and after a couple of vehicles and trucks were passing but that was it. I have to find out the time. No, my hands didn't move the laptop or anything. The cord literally moved itself farther to a side. It is 7:45 p.m. right now and it must have happened sometime around or right after 7:30 p.m. Gosh, and I was feeling good energy and it's even stronger now.

I talked to someone briefly who said maybe it was gravity and I am skeptical so I would have to say yes, it had to be. I've never seen anything like it though, but I am going to err on the side of caution. What was different though was that it wasn't going from up to down but instead was already lying along the floor, and then slid along the floor. Vertical gravity?

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