Sunday, January 10, 2010

Walk & Hawk

I didn't go tracking with the dog today. I took her out for a walk at night and went to the top of a summit and then sat in the snow and looked out at all the lights. As I was sitting there, the dog leaned into me. She's only known me a week or so and she's really attached I think. She nudges me everyday now to take her for a walk.

We were sitting there and looking at the lights and it was so calm and quiet and I felt a very good sense of energy and then out of nowhere, a hawk flew overhead. I don't take it as a sign at all but I looked it up and it's known in Native American mythology as a messenger, and protector of the young. I thought about my son. I might look up more meanings for fun, but I don't take any stock in it other than it was nice to see in the middle of the night. Just one and it flew directly overhead. THere was absolutely no one else around at all. Just this one hawk got up out of nowhere and flew directly over my head. Then we got up and left.

Here is a link to the meanings of a hawk hovering or flying overhead: some cultures say it means wisdom, others that it means blessings. This is the colloquial version:

I got back and my housemate said "goodbye" like he was never going to see me again. I guess this is because maybe some people might not want to see me again, but I think it wouldn't be a very good idea to do anything to me or my son. I don't care what some might think. I feel like I'm living in Ninevah.

Dear God, bless my son and those who protect him and fight for our reunion. God also bless and protect all those who fight for what is right who are good and brave, or even bad and brave, but act out of their hearts in good for us.

The hawk thing was sort of werid. I really did look all around. I looked for someone up in the hills but we didn't see anyone. We were pretty high up, and it was just one and what was weird was how low and directly overhead it flew.

Here's more hawk talk:

I found a link which puts all the traits of an animal, combining meanings from a variety of cultures and religions and this is what they got for hawk: Hawk - Nobility, recollection, cleansing, messenger, observer, Solar, clarity, discrimination, inspiration, the soul.

I thought if it was for anything, it was for awareness and protection.

I thought about Princess Di, briefly, because I had just found an almost exhaustive list of books about her before I left for the walk. I had thought how in the world will I ever cover all that information? The list of books alone was at 202 and that didn't include foreign titles. It was interesting though, because I looked everywhere for a list and couldn't find one and then after I made a post in a forum asking where I could find one, I looked again and got it right away. But TWO HUNDRED? BOOKS? I had thought maybe there were 20 or 30 books total out there. I cannot believe it. I was walking and wondering if she would like the book I want to write and then I thought about this woman I once saw at a grocery store in Maryland who looked so much like her, in the check-out line as I was on the computer. I know what's done is done but it always flashes through my mind "What if she's alive?"

Then, I just looked up "Ladyhawke", that movie, because I saw it so many times when I was young as my parents loved it for some reason. I thought it was dark but they wanted me to watch it.

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