Saturday, January 23, 2010

Want My Unemployment Statement

I want my unemployment statement by next week.

I don't want any further hold up on my receiving monies which I've earned.

So, since I've done all I can, at this point, I will have to get my statement or go to other people to ask them to obtain information as I don't have access to all my stubs at the moment.

But I cannot have delay any longer. I've had multiple calls put in to Washington state and to Washington D.C. employment offices and they've done nothing, to my knowledge, and Washington state admitted to dropping the ball on things several times.

If needed I may go to Social Security offices again, or tax people perhaps, or inquire of a bank, if nothing else. I asked SS offices if there would be any problem for an employer if, for some reason, they had NOT paid taxes and I was told no, there wouldn't, it would just be fixed and nothing else would be done about it. So I checked to be sure I wouldn't cause any problems.

So I need to get a copy of my statement, but if I can't, I have other options.

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