Friday, February 12, 2010

Amy Bishop

I just read this news, and it is another situation where I think there is more than meets the eye.

I don't know if this woman was nuts. Maybe, yes, possibly. But on the other hand, I wonder what kind of work her group was doing. I looked up the University and they did research in partnership with the NASA, the U.S. Army, and The Department of Defense.

She was a neuroscientist from Harvard and all her colleagues were brains and it was some kind of faculty meeting of professors who also had other projects and research going.

I wonder what her motive was, because while some say "disgruntled" she had actually been praised for her work. It's really rare for a woman to do this, I think.

She did say she didn't know if they were dead, so that sounds out there, but you look at her and, I don't know.

So many of these shootings are just senseless and don't make any sense, and then there are a few others where I wonder. Just like I wonder about autopsy reports for some, that don't make sense. Sometimes, something just sort of feels off or different in some way.

She shot 6 people and 3 of them died, the other three injured, and the shooting occured at 4 p.m. Feb. 12, 2010.

Maybe she just lost it, but who knows yet.
I looked up info about their work but it sounds like they were mainly professors. I still wonder though.

My son and I talked about NASA, well not NASA exactly, but "space" and rockets.

Anyway, I don't know what the deal is with military. Another military (I think but not positive) helicopter came over torwards my house this morning before I left for my visit, flying very low and in this direction, but still, not nearly as close as the one in Arlington, VA got. That one was just feet away. I grabbed my laptop to take a photo but didn't get it in time.

I will detail my visit with my son tomorrow. Later tomorrow (or today) that is.
Well, they've already got the top profiler in the whole country on this one. I guess he's from Arlington, VA. Smart people there, definitely. I just read an ammended version of the shooting report and someone got a former FBI agent turned profiler to give his opinion and he had sort of an odd conclusion. I thought some of it panned out right, the part about possibly being disgruntled, because it seems a lot of shootings come from this, the disgruntled and nutty employee or something along those lines (but usually with a much longer history of problems to boot). But he called her "paranoid" or wanted to put that in there so, what would she have to be "paranoid" about? She was working in a science lab and doing research with other researchers for the government, along with being a professor. If it had been left at "disgruntled" or depressed, it would sound right, but putting paranoia in there, actually raises more questions. Has she already admitted to feeling paranoid about something? She was married and her husband was taken in too, so are they BOTH acting "paranoid" about something? There are a lot of paranoid, literally, and without any good cause, very paranoid people in the world and they don't kill other people. Probably because partly, they're too paranoid. It's people who are more suave and who don't flinch over human rights abuses that are more likely to kill, because they are DEsensitized. So, I am kind of curious as to what is said from her own mouth and her husband's mouth and whether this is just about cracking up and losing it and being disgruntled, or was she voicing concerns or anxieties about something in particular? or were she and her husband both paranoid over some form of research being done in conjuction with the government? I don't know. I just think it's strange someone got the very top dog profiler from Virginia in on this so quick, and with a tossing out of "paranoia" right away, before hearing any details from these people. My opinion is that truly paranoid people are typcially afraid of even their own shadow and they are timid types, and harmless, if paranoid. Those who really do damage are the dictator types, or even the executive types, or military types, who are so hardened, they don't stop to harm or kill hundreds and feel justified. It's also these types of people who abuse the public trust and run high risk monies through the roof and cause bankruptcies of major banks because of personal greed and an insensitivy to the loss and risk it creates for others. They sure weren't "paranoid" when they inflated the earnings and assets of their companies, or paranoid when they decided to use and harm other people, believing there will never be accountability. What is, tell me, what is a serial killer? Is someone who allows children to suffer and adults to suffer from government experiments and to die from them, is that a serial killer? Is someone who stands by as gang wars rage, and hopes some people are killed off from it, is that a serial killer? to stand by knowing what is happening and doing nothing?

So I am thinking now, about the definitions of serial killer and profiling really. I would have thought "sadism" to be one of the major pointers to serial killing and serial abuse of others. That, and harming animals. Most people who are dangerous to others, usually, most of the time, have a poor record of respect for life in general, including the lives of animals.
I would have classified this, with no other knowledge, as just a rampage type thing of possibly being disgruntled. But now that paranoia is thrown in there, I'd like to know if she and her husband were feeling paranoid about anything. If so, what?

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