Monday, February 1, 2010

Bad Energy & Movie "The Cove"

These should be two separate posts, but today was terrible and is just becoming a culmination of things. However, when things were getting very out of hand with state workers in Spokane and Seattle, someone in Wenatchee actually helped for once. Helped a lot actually. It really made a difference and was appreciated.

Then, okay, the strange thing was that the very strong and positive energy was there today, even as I was on the phone with total assholes, it was out there somewhere. I was sitting there, talking on the phone to total sheisters who were hanging up on me or disconnecting me left and right and harassing me, and yet, someone was very near to me or something was very good. It was one of those times where I absolutely knew it had nothing to do with mood, because my own personal mood was foul. But something was really connecting with me in a positive way, even as I was being harassed by unemployment officials. This was around 3 p.m.-5 p.m.

Then, right at about 6 p.m. or 6:30 p.m., I felt something sad. I didn't know what I'd done wrong, to make a difference but something wasn't right. I felt I was in the wrong place, or where did this strong connection go that suddenly became sad? I then called for my son and found out it wasn't even my son, unless my son happened to be thinking about his mother at that very moment, while he was trying to content himself with playing cars with someone else. He'd played with cars with me during our visit and was desperate to have me stay and he didn't want to leave, and had the saddest eyes, pleading and worried, and they dragged him away today, as he stood there, refusing to go, staring into my eyes as I promised I would see him in just one day and I would wait right there. At the moment I felt the sadness, I called about a half hour into it, and asked what my son was doing. He was playing with cars I was told. I wondered if this caused my son to think about me as I was also thinking of him. It may have been something else, but I thought about it.

So then, I was at someone's house to watch this movie "The Cove" which I had picked up and kept trying to figure out how to operate the DVD player upstairs but I couldn't do it. It is really a compliment that Google offices in Seattle thought I was such a hacker threat they didn't even want me in their bathroom long. (I thought, "Damn! I am a good con!") just kidding. So I watched it at this house with other people, and really liked it.

I found a lot of messages to draw inspiration from, or to relate to. One of the women fell asleep. I thought, "Wow. I wonder if some people really wouldn't care for this." You know, because it's slow moving or something.

My first thoughts on it were, "The Royal Family." Sort of like, everyone supposedly loves you and yet your relatives are being killed off in "accidents" or simply slaughtered in a slow death. Trapped, in a prison to be admired in captivity. They started talking about Dolphin theme parks and love and yet secret killing, and that was my first thought.

My second thought was maybe some gang. I don't know, maybe I'm the latest in some kind of group that people want to kill off, and yet I made it harder on myself by alienating myself from others, not knowing my own history. Then I thought about the FBI "dolphins" or whatever, and how they don't have any good people and a whole legion of crooked assholes, and maybe the CIA is worse, who knows. I thought about how Raul Bujanda was going to give me a necklace, supposedly, with a dolphin pendant on it.

The movie was like a fucking Rorshach.

I also thought about kids, and how people just sell children as commodities, and use and abuse them, to make money. I really thought about kids and my son a lot. I also thought about human traficking and using women and children and exploiting them, even men too. And of course, I thought about the dolphins

I also thought about all the pirating over in Somali waters, and how I found all this political turmoil and how radioactive and nuclear tainted fish was being fished and served out to tons of Europeans and Americans in a vicious cycle where other little companies were poluting the waters, and how no one seems to be brought up for accountability, as many people are likely affected by this. It could be huge, a major, significant issue, I mean, would you eat fish that were barely alive and tainted by nuclear waste? If people in Somalia were dying from it or getting very sick, imagine eating the fish.

I also thought about mercury poisoning in the U.S. today and how it's been declared not to be a problem when studies already show it is. Someone just didn't want to lose a major class action lawsuit.

( you believe me now, that I'm an ENTP? or INTP? So "P" it's annoying and so "N" I get into trouble).

So I just had so many different things come to mind, including Wenatchee. I saw this movie and by the end I thought, "This is a movie about Wenatchee." Bingo. About anyone who doesn't have a voice, or who is being brutally treated, in secret, where all others are cut out of the discovery.

I almost cried at the part where the woman diver first tears, where she talks about babies being separated from their parents. But then, I just watched until the end, and the guy comes in with the t.v. screen across his chest. Admitedly, for me, I thought, "Oh no, it looks nuts." But I said out loud, "I'm really glad a movie was made because just that alone looks kind of nuts and wouldn't get the message out." But then, the part that surprised me the very most, was my own emotional response at the end.

At the end, it wasn't until the end, where it then showed people who got fired over lying, and new laws which were enacted, and children which were saved from eating mercury tainted products, and all this...I almost burst into tears. Being in company, I astounded myself by only tearing up but I fought it! I won!

My next crazy thought, the next thought after this dramatic climax was:

William of Wales.

(I wrote "poor fish" but had to delete because it sounded demeaning)

Yeah, I'd had a beer by that time. So chalk it up to the beer.

To clarify, for whatever reason, his face came up briefly at the very end. But when I think about it intellectually, these people have a LOT of peer pressure but they still have choice. They do, despite all odds, have God-given choice and more resources to fall back on, even if it means uncertaintly or exile.

There are a lot of others who really experience what dolphins in this movie experience.

I was very sympathetic to the actual dolphins, and especially to the idea that good came out of evil and corruption and dishonesty. But I still felt like, "I really do care about dolphins" but what about all these people too? who are treated like these dolphins and yet they're really people and no one is doing anything.

The movie demonstrated how money gets to many, and the power of propaganda. Even when offered the same amount of money to release these dolphins, to buy their freedom, these corrupt people refused, claiming their work was "pest control." I could relate to this movie as someone who has been treated in similiar fashion, and I also did feel like Diana would have loved this movie and identified with it.

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