Friday, February 12, 2010

Bad Energy

I don't have the best feeling for energy. There is someone I had to deal with who gives me the eebie jeebies and I believe is having access to my son and is part of the blame in brainwashing.

Because my son couldn't even tell me the name of the "lady" at his daycare, I question whether it was his normal daycare provider or someone else there, or just some man who is sick in the head and should be admitted to either a psych ward or jail, for abuse of children.

A lot of the things my son is coming up with sound like things a man would tell him to say or try to brainwash him about, but I think different women have had access to my son too.

I feel that I am getting a lot of various pressures and I don't know why this weight would be put upon me. I am not responsible for what has been happening to my son, and I am also not getting help for my son either.

What I have realized, is that a lot of people have tried to set me up and then they want me and everyone else to think they were helping.

There is no excuse for the criminal activity that has happened surrounding my son, none of it. There is no excuse for mind games or lies and it serves no purpose.

I have people doing all kinds of weird things around here. A LOT of weird things. I use the same restroom at the state offices every time I go there and someone had left a dime there on the floor, face down. I just left it of course, but then it was still there when I went again and I noticed it had a weird color. So I looked more closely and half of it was black. It had been burned, like, put in a fire or something and had the date 1985 on it. Why this date, I don't know, but I've had people GIVE me coins with this date on it and I've never known why.

I do not think anyone in the U.S. cares about what happens to my son. If anything, they are just allowing this or have a part in it, because I have gone out of my way to bring attention to what is happening and there is no excuse.

This wouldn't be happening unless people in the government were in on it. They know what is going on and do everything in their power to block and prevent my son from getting help, and it's certain people, specifically, in the government, so one begins to wonder.

I have this feeling, that whatever is going on that's such a big deal, a few people have died trying to send me a message or get something through to me, but I don't even know what it is. I know more than people think, but I don't know what the message is, and I don't know if people who think they know what is going on, if THEY really know.

I feel a lot of people are being led astray.

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