Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bar Complaint Against Firm

My lawyer couldn't even manage to make a phone call to the AG when I've asked him about this for over a week. He tried to tell ME to call her and I said it wasn't my responsibility, which it isn't. So I called over anyway and they said it wasn't my responsibility which I already knew.

I think that if I file a Bar complaint, it will be one of a few where I actually have substantial evidence and documentation that he hasn't done anything and prejudiced my case. I also can prove that firm blocked me from even being able to help myself pro se, which they had agreed to do from the start.

It might be another toss out, and I have no confidence in Bar Associations, but at least others could look at the record and see for themselves, if anyone ever wanted to.

This lawyer and law firm is a big reason for harm to my son and for the losses we've incurred.

He has not written or filed even ONE thing. NOT ONE. He did nothing this entire time and then kept me from getting my records in time, to boot.

I believe this lawyer is helping more than one group. He is not just helping Wenatchee. He's doing it for other groups with special interests and probably getting paid under the table for it.

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