Thursday, February 18, 2010

Called Rivercom About Mackenzie

I called Rivercom, not because I have any clue who did this, but because I need to confirm whether this is the girl I saw or not and then I might have information about just her in particular. I haven't blogged everything, and it would have to do with this woman and no one else, but I'm not writing it out until I know if it's the same person.

So the guy said he'd let them know and if they were interested they would give me a call. He sort of made it sound like maybe they would and maybe they wouldn't. I said, someone needs to call me one way or the other and I will find if highly suspicious if they don't. He wanted to know why I'd find it suspicious and I said, "Because if they care, they would want to know more and if they don't want something to be uncovered or discovered, there is something wrong with that."
This is the headline, about giving tips on this case, and to "beware of killer".

They forgot to add, "Beware of law enforcement." It is a joke that THIS is being made into a big deal, when corruption and crime happens everyday in this town. And some of it comes from the people in the justice system here and in Washington state.

I don't feel anymore afraid to walk around at night now, than I did before. Why? because this was not some random "green river" killer. I know what goes on in this area, and what is covered up, and that's what this is connected to.

For all we know, this could even be the work of someone who is in intelligence, and while that may sound absolutely unbelievable, people who ARE in intelligence know what happens in this town and about the injustice, and either someone may have wanted to shut her up or felt they were doing to her family what has been done to me and my son and NOT just me and my son, but others as well.

This was not a psychotic sociopath. There are a lot of socipaths in this town and they all have desk jobs.

Did anyone read how Mossad goes after someone to send a message? They didn't just kill the guy in Jordan, they tortured him and made sure everyone knew it. Mexico lords, some of them, do the same thing. The CIA might too, and some others in intel. There are cases of just someone just tripping down the stairs or falling off of a balcony, and then there are serious cases where someone decided that instead of harming a lot of different people, they might harm just one and send a strong message with it. I am not saying it's right, I'm just saying. And, it could be either way--that she was a threat or just a way to send a message.

I have no idea.

I know positively, that when I brought up "Reed" one day, this one guy I was talking to, freaked out about it a little, startled and said, "Why did you say that? What made you think of that?" and I thought it was weird. I said, "It's a college. You haven't heard of Reed?"

For all I know, Reid, her father, and her mother, are good people and their daughter might not even be the same one I saw that one night. She could be someone totally different. I don't know.

I have more I am willing to share to police about HER, but I don't know anything about her family or what goes on in this town except that people have made it very unsafe for me and my son and even other relatives to live in.

"Reed" or "Reid" has some significance. I would like to know what, personally.

As for religion, I have no clue whether that family is or was religious, of any faith or not. I have no idea. I thought the whole thing with the oysters was more of a jewish sounding thing, or made to intentionally look like it was, with the number symbolism being so exact...From what I understand, 7 and 5 are supposed to be important holy and symbolic numbers. I wondered if SHE, that girl I saw, I wondered what in the world they were connected to after this all happened.

A lot of people are willing to lie and take bribes over my son and hurt him and brainwash him, and I have been targeted here and followed and driven to distraction. I've been forced out of work, unemployment money, safe and normal housing, and been threatened and almost killed and assaulted and my voice isn't even the same anymore. I had people who wanted to even take my voice from me. Not just my son, but literally, my voice.

Don't tell me the people in this state are not fully fucked up. There are people like this everywhere, but when I'm trying to get help and none of the normal channels are working and I have people jerking me around who are even in U.S. governmnet positions, I wonder.

The termination didn't come from a couple people in Wenatchee. It was ordered higher up and someone said "okay" and did it. People in Wenatchee are involved, but it's not just Wenatchee.

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