Saturday, February 27, 2010

CIA Buys Services Of Children From Foster & Adoptive Parents

This is a great essay on some of the history and how the CIA typically uses foster children or those for adoption, and will pay for the services or make threats. Below is the true testimony of a man who successfully sued.

I have made more than enough complaints and the military people I know or knew on the East Coast and here, know very well I'm not mentally ill. They know I tell the truth and that I'm accurate. The only way someone could get away with not investigating, is if I were secretly given medication or drugs that are supposed to conrol mental illness and it was made to look as if I were a new person on them. Take them away, and introduce crazy sounding situations, and just say it's because I went off the medication. They could also say I wouldn't know, because I had no way of knowing if I was on or not on medications so they could claim I just began acting differently when I was on or off of them and say "She didn't KNOW she was on them so she wasn't acting." Meanwhile, of course I'm not "acting" but OTHERs are, to make my world a living hell if I am not taking something which is supposed to "work" and therefore "prove" I am "mentally ill".

So if I am not on any of these drugs, and someone in government convinced everyone that I had a mental illness unless I was on them, anyone could dismiss what my claims were and know they could say the "secret" was that certain people knew I wasn't on medications and needed them.

So cover up and continue with abuse to me and my son, in the name of science or in the name of gang violence with a convenient cover, and make sure I have no way to use objective evidence to prove my claims about what is happening to my son.

Tell the others who are in the justice system and government, "We're handling it" and be dismissive about me.

Suddenly, there is a perfect cover for not only serious crime and abuse against me and my son, in the name of gang violence, it has been converted to look legitimate under CIA and Department of Justice controls. To conduct such experiments and try to use them to say I have issues, would also give a convenient, if undercover and hush-hush excuse not to investigate any of my claims against government misconduct or impropriety and would also cover for the criminals who would be associated with those in government.

Then, take my son away to allow for the benefit of doctors who don't want to admit anything ever happened to my son and be liable for it, and make my son easily accessible to gang or military/government persons who will be able to continue and control what is happening with my son when they know it would never stand with me.

Either deny the whole thing ever happened or continues, to benefit gang violence and corporate criminals, or use it to advantage.

If the CIA and Department of Defense were interested in ME, they talked to me and know my claims are authentic and that I am not nuts.

However, get the right twist into the 'confidential' documents, and certain people can get away with anything, can't they?

If they know I'm not nuts, WHY has all of this been allowed to happen to my son, and NO ONE intervening, if necessary, from another state or from the federal government? My lawyer sits on this case like a jackass for 4 months and the law firm tells me they are doing nothing, and no one here does a THING, and NO ONE will investigate my claims, but supposedly, it's not happening?

Oh, and what happened to us in East Wenatchee never happened either.

"It didn't happen. They are still alive."


  1. The CIA and DOD have better things to do than what you claim they are doing. I am glad you do not have a pilot license. This is the most bizarre ranting I've ever read in my life. It appears to be a manifestation of hypergraphia related to some condition that has been left untreated.

  2. There is nothing strange about what I've written.

    It happens, and if you read testimonies of people who were victims, all of that sounds nuts and "bizarre" and mentally ill.

    Do you realize some of these people were literally strapped to beds and tortured by the CIA in our own country, for "research"? and do you realize countless others have been poisoned with biological weapons to test them out on our citizens first?

    The rule of thumb is to dismiss any kind of complaint as 'unbelievable' and related to mental illness and yet it happened, it happens, and this kind of thing continues.

    If the CIA and DOD have better things to do with their time, why then did they spend any time on me at all? I met these people and a whole lot of others, and I'm sure you've received a laptop from the CIA and DOD before.

    Oh, I'm just sure of it.

  3. What is most concerning, is how the CIA and DOD will grace someone one minute and then totally dump on them and torture them and allow this to happen to children as well, in an attempt to shut someone up.

    If they are the good guys, where is the help for my son?

    If all these people over there knew my son needed "protection", then WHY were they trying to set me up to go to federal prison?

    I had several attempts made, to frame me, or set me up, and I was doing nothing wrong, but I could sniff it out.

    Why spend the time trying so hard to set me up and imprison me, if you're not worried about me for some reason?

    I want my son and he never should have been removed in the first place. Maybe the CIA and DOD people didn't know everything then, but they do now, and they've done NOTHING.
