Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cold Reading On Robert Mueller, FBI

I was looking some various things up today and decided when I got to Mueller's wiki page, I decided, as I was looking at his photo, to see if I could ascertain anything about him from that photo. I got "San Fransisco".

So then I scrolled down and no, he went to East Coast colleges and was born East Coast. But THEN! I went down further and it said he had been a litigator in San Fran!

So something about San Fransisco was right!

I got something right about the director of the FBI!

I have decided this is actually a way I could practice cold reading by looking at photos and then see if it's confirmed to me, right away. Maybe the information is not all there, all the time, but at least in this case, I got something right, and when I first saw a photo of Princess Valerie, something inside of me knew she and Diana didn't absolutely adore one another.
I looked up Leon Panetta next and tried to do the same thing but the things I got are not, I guess, things which can be confirmed as right or wrong. The only things I got right were sort of ordinary things, such as "barrister" (and he was a lawyer) and "babies", and then something about a possible heart condition and a knee (which is common for a lot of people) and maybe an isuzu somewhere but he doesn't look like the isuzu type and a few other things. Things I can't confirm one way or the other.

One thing I thought was sort of weird, was that both the director of the FBI and of the CIA are from California or spent significant time there as lawyers.

I don't know how far away their respective towns are from the other, but I might look, out of curiosity. One was in San Fransisco and the other in Monterey. I wonder where the Dept of Defense and Dept. of Justice people are from

I just looked and San Francisco and Monterey are about an hour and a half apart. 118 miles driving. They're very close. I wonder if these guys are about the same age? Probably. Anyway, looked up Dept. of Defense and Justice Department and the top guys are East Coast people.

At any rate, I just thought it would be interesting to see if I could do cold readings but I don't know if I'm right about anything with the CIA guy, and then with Mueller, just SF. But I feel like it's possible I've looked them up sometime in the last several years so maybe subconsciously I knew already. The heart thing I looked up and couldn't find anything anywhere.
I don't know. It's about 6:00 p.m. right now, but I know it's probably coincidence but I wonder if my wires got crossed and I was getting something that maybe the CIA knew about Bill Clinton? I have no idea, but right after I tried looking up heart condition and Leon, online, I was pulling up things about Clinton and then later, I saw how he liked "junk food" and "McDonalds" and the totally bizarre thing is that I had sketched a couple of notes about what I thought I was getting while looking at Panetta, and "McDonalds" was one of the first things.

I am looking at these notes now and wondering if I somehow thought of Clinton, but I don't know. Maybe it still applies to Leon. I don't know what kind of cars either of them drive or if either have anything to do with Isuzu, but I'm wondering. I want to know what time he went in, but I can't find it anywhere.

I guess I'll just write down everything I thought I might have received, in that moment, and I'm fallible, just trying to practice this thing more, but I'm sure I'm sometimes wrong. But it's embarrassing to write out some of the stuff because it doesn't make sense to me.

I was staring at the photo of Leon Panetta and maybe I was getting crossed wires or something that the CIA knew about, when I was looking at the photo. Or, maybe, it had nothing to do with the photo and I just started picking up something for someone else and thought it was for Panetta.

I wrote down the following but I felt tenative:
Michelle, Tony, Karen, Caroline
Heart Condition and Knee problem, Dyspepsia
Jaugernaut (I got this word but didn't know what it means and when I looked it up I see there is a juggernaut for a "force" but I got it as "jaugernaut" pronounced "joggernaut".)
Someone's arm twisted behind his back (I got this as an impression of an arm literally behind someone's back, not figuratively, such as during an argument or wrestling, or I wondered because it looked like a practice self-defense-offense move, maybe was training for someone)
Something about indiana possibly
The crucible (maybe the play or book or something...the play came to mind after I wrote it down)
something about Indiana

I don't know that any of this is right for Panetta, so maybe i got it for someone else. What was weird was that before news broke about Clinton I saw his condition online when I was looking up anything to match for Panetta.
I guess I should add too, since I'm here, that I had Alec Baldwin come to mind a week ago and I just read he was hospitalized last night, but briefly. Wait, that's weird, because I think when I said he'd come to mind, I said to someone "briefly"...what the hell.? Anyway, his daughter thought he was harming himself allegedly. I had no idea why he came to mind, but maybe it's just family stuff. But yeah, I brought him up and someone asked if I'd seen his new movie "It's Complicated" and I hadn't seen it (still haven't). He came up though, when I was trying to think about things for someone else because someone asked if I was getting anything for Nic Cage again.

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