Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Copy Of Email To Public Defender #13

RE: Office use‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Fri 12/11/09 4:27 PM

Your offices so far have backed out on everything they initially promised.

I will keep this for my records.

Good luck

Subject: Office use
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 14:33:29 -0800


This email serves to remind you of your 1-hour appt in this office scheduled for December 15th, 2009 at 3:00 p.m.

Furthermore, I checked with both partners regarding your request for additional conference room time. I was informed of the following:

“In response to Ms. Garrett’s demand for additional conference room time, Ms. Garrett is allowed two (2)-1 hour appointments, per week, ONLY. The said appointments are to be scheduled on different days of the work week. This convenience is not something we typically grant to our clients and therefore, Ms. Garrett should be pleased that our office is offering her this courtesy. Please inform Ms. Garrett that should she need to reschedule any of her appointments, she needs to contact the office immediately so that we can be aware of that situation and to possibly re-schedule for a different date and time. This office’s courtesy will continue to Ms. Garrett upon her understanding that she needs to vacate the conference room immediately upon termination of her allotted one-hour and her continued respect of our staff.

Furthermore, it is my understanding that she has asked Justin Titus to inform the staff to not open her personal mail. Please instruct Ms. Garrett to obtain a different address for receipt of her personal mail, and that any mail addressed to Ms. Garrett delivered to this address for Ms. Garrett will be returned to the sender, unopened.”

This said, please contact me and let me know when you’d like to schedule your second appointment for next week, so that we can make sure to reserve the second one hour time frame for you.

Also, any long distance calls you have made previously, as well as any long distance numbers you call in the future, I will need the phone numbers dialed. I need this information immediately so that I can begin to request funds for those calls from the Douglas County Superior Court for reimbursement.

Thanks in advance for your anticipated cooperation and assistance.

Catherine Lloyd

Legal Assistant

Kottkamp & Yedinak, PLLC

435 Orondo/ PO Box 1667

Wenatchee, WA 98807-1667

Phone: (509) 667-8667

Fax: (509) 667-8837


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