Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Copy Of Email To Public Defender #8

Need To See Motions & Schedule of Head Exam‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Wed 12/09/09 9:22 PM

Hello Justin,

I am wondering why the state didn't schedule this head exam earlier and if you talked with someone after talking to me just recently.

I talked to Dr. Freed at Wenatchee Valley Clinic and he told me he could get me scheduled sooner, and in with a neurologist. I have to double check on this, but he wrote back to me saying it could be done.

I need a firm date on when I have an evaluation scheduled. This is also a neuro evaluation, not a "psycho-neuro" and there will be no psychiatrist.

Because I expect the state to try to put this whole thing off until they can file more crap to try to sneak this in, I would like to be prepared with a counter-motion in case this happens.

I would also like to know if you've drafted motions for the indendent psych eval and for the audio recording. I also want a motion made for increasing visitation because the state refuses to do so and I have grounds for it.

I need more than one hour a day at your law offices. Nothing is getting done and I cannot accomplish anything in one hour a day. It's impossible to get all the things together that I need to get together, and make up for lost time.

I would really appreciate having better blocks of time to get these things done and I don't know how you process things best, but maybe I could make a calendar for you, a monthly one, so you know when I should have stuff filed by and what I hope to accomplish by certain dates.

Thank you so much, and I do appreciate you. I hope this will get worked out. You're too good to settle for less.


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