Saturday, February 27, 2010

CPS Refuses To Increase Visits

with all of this CPS refuses to increase visits. They have only even made up about 2 of the missed visits out of a total of perhaps 10 missed visits in the last 2 months.

Next week, they are spaced further apart, which I don't think is as good for him. It puts more time inbetween us and I suspect that is what the state wants to do. That from the start, their motives have never been good faith and reuinification but rather to try to destroy the bond and keep us apart.

For months they stalled on providing "services" after they "won" by refusing to allow me to defend myself or anyone else either.

I have had zero help from my lawyer. None at all.

I have been blocked from documenting these visits objectively and documenting harm that has come to him as well. Meanwhile, all of our information gets broadcast in real time, to the entire community so they can make whatever they want of it.

My son has suffered because of this and my own family I will have to call into question for things they did to me even before my son was taken, and their motives behind all of this. They held grudges that I was trying to hold them accountable for falsely accusing me of hurting Granny or saying I would make a report against my uncle Loren. They also were angry I left for Canada, when it shouldn't have mattered to them, as they never involved themselves and our neighbors were closer company than they.

Meanwhile, as long as I've been in Wenatchee, I've been denied housing in another attempt to stall, and passed from one person to the next, who I later found out is acquainted with them and while supporting them, these other individuals tried to intimidate and scare me and some destroyed evidence that would help my case. My aunt and uncle have gone along with the state and allowed trauma to come to my son and then denied having anything to do with it.

I also now question how much my family knew was going on at that house in East Wenatchee. Maybe they didn't know, but I once found Granny's chapstick on the basement floor, when they never announced a visit, and this indicated my grandfather had also been there but they never told me about it. I also went back to that house to get medical records after I was in Canada and they were missing. No one but family had access to the storage. So someone either pressured them to take those things, and all of his paintings that I had saved which were missing, or they took them. I also find it odd that my mother and father would promise to pay for a lawyer and then back out, after stringing me along 3 months on it. I asked if they couldn't afford it, if that was the case, and the answer was no. I do not believe my family is supportive of a woman's natural right to have her child, even as a single mother. They never were supportive though they try to deny this now. They wanted me to give my son up for adoption and didn't want me to have or keep him. I also had one say it would make me less attractive to a potential man, to have a child, as if this factored into my decision-making. They knew how difficult people made it for me here and they were part of the problem. Not once has one relative, in this entire time, ever offered me a ride or to help with any practical things. Instead, they have lied along with people from the state, in a chance to keep him and adopt him themselves. My own family wanted to say I was "paranoid" because they didn't want to admit to the horrendous things they have allowed my son to be exposed to, or me for that matter. As much as I have extended grace to my own blood and family, and have tried, and tried even to believe in them and their own good faith or intentions, it falls flat. They strung me along like everyone else and then threw a bunch of food in my face, carefully selected to be symbolic to me and to hurt me. On my birthday, they left me with nothing, knowing I didn't even have a place to stay because I was being forcefully run out of town and into the ground, and they refused to help me collect my vehicle with all of my belongings when I was forced to abandon it in Canada. So no, after this and then seeing how haughty they are and have treated the mother, when my parenting skills are far superior to theirs and when they have no right to treat me this way, I cannot say I have had family support but I am also able to say it has not been my fault and I could not have anticipated such cruelty, to both me and my son. I had no way of even imagining. People they said were their friends over here, never acted like friends to me, and told me I should say I was nuts and go along with the state. The only things my parents held out on was saying they did not believe I needed medication and that they believed I was a good mother. But that's not enough for them. They said to me, "Every child needs a father and a mother." So there was never any real support from them, even for their daughter, because they do not support women's rights and especially not a single woman's rights--any single woman.


  1. I believe some people are probably leaving comments here and they are being censored by the publisher of this blog. Based on the controversial topics discussed compared to a growing low number of comments over time, it makes me suspicious that the author is picking and choosing how she approves comments or responds to her readers.

  2. No, your comments, which you keep leaving, are the only ones I've "censored" or just ignored.

    I have posted horrible things written about me, and I believe in free speech, so I don't have a problem with that. I DO have a problem with ongoing harassment and in that case, I field "comments", which mainly, would be yours alone.

    Looking at the number of comments has nothing to do with who is reading my blog, or how many people. For example I have "3 followers" but I get at least 100 or more hits a day, from around the world.

    Given what I am going through, I would not blame anyone for not WANTING to leave comments that could be traced back to them.


  3. Posting unabusive comments on a public blog are not "harassment". This was the first comment I ever posted.
