Thursday, February 18, 2010

CPS Refuses Visitation With My Son

My aunt told me she called them and said I wanted to visit and CPS decided to "shoulder the blame" and said no, not if he had a fever. I was told he had a fever of 100 degrees. He sounded fine earlier and wasn't coughing at all.

If my son has a fever AGAIN, after he's been repeatedly ill, not being able to remember things, and being sick, and seeing things out of the blue...

There is either something WRONG or there's NOT. Where is the MRI for my son, when he's had so many problems that are natural to be so consecutive?

Aside from that, the fact that my son may have a light fever and is coughing, this isn't contagious to other kids. He already HAS the cold, and you're only infectious before the cold not in the middle or after.

My son benefits from seeing his mother and the stress of NOT seeing me adds to his discomfort and illness.

All this is, is further attempt by state workers and others, to punish me and my son and keep us apart, as they ignore what the real problem in the town is, which is making everyone so damn sick.

It's called corruption.

I don't think it's justifiable for the state to cancel visits with my son, as they have done, and witness all the illness and odd things happened to MY baby, and they refuse to do an MRI?

I ask God for more justice.

I don't care what happens, I hope that for as much suffering as my son endures, others are made to suffer more, and at the very top wherever it is originating from, if anyone knows. If anyone knows, and is certain, dear God, please give them the grace to tell me and let me know so I can take the risk of warning others. I need full and complete evidence, but I am not the only one "taking tips" and I can assure others, that when people try to do good and do right, with ME, you do not ever need to feel endangered or like you went to the wrong person accidentally. I am a good person, with a good heart, and I have never bowed to corruption or bribes, ever.

I have preferred to be penniless and isolated even, rather than give in to peer pressure or intimidation to join in with something I don't agree with or understand. What I understand, is equality and liberty and justice for all, no matter. I understand and believe in peace, with all effort and perserverance for peace and I do believe in forgiving over and over. At some point though, if all efforts have been exhausted, I believe in justice and this is what I pray for now.

I may have a ton of problems and faults, and come across wrong, or not have the right tone, and I may not be able to always convey how I feel or how deeply I care, but I do care, and I am not corrupt.

I may not be everyone's favorite person, but I not doing favors for other people to benefit myself or acting out of self interest or even fear. I am trying to live with principles and there is no retaliation from me, for anyone who wants to clean things up or make a difference in a positive way. There are others to worry about, yes. Which is why I say it's better to be anonymous or discreet. But I do care, and I hope that if there is ever someone others feel comfortable turning to, who will not abuse their trust and confidence, it is me. Yeah, at this point, I might write about it, if I feel it should be known by a large audience for protection, but I'm not going to punish anyone for trying to do good.

I believe there is a lot of accountability to be had.

I just found out about the Texas plane crash, after I read an email I got from the Visionings group. I got it an hour ago and read it and then looked up the crash and the suicide note. I feel important points were made in that note. I might not agree with everything, but I do not believe this man is just one but one of many who are tired of suffering because of corruption and crime which is only excused at the higher levels, and ignored if no one can "see" the evidence.

On a new, fun note, guess what problem I'm having now? It's with my television. The only stations that I can go to are channel 9 and channel 11. It won't allow me to go to any other channels now
Update, after several attempts to see if I could try another channel, after an hour, I was able to then change to other channels.

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